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I tried setup metrics :xtdb.metrics.csv/reporter {:output-file "data/dev"} but I need to interrupt the execution when I would like to re-mount the xtdb. Any idea what I need to setup for this?

valuation interrupted.
[nREPL-session-a72fac0c-5425-4a56-87f9-a7612298c923] ERROR  - Could not close: #object[com.codahale.metrics.CsvReporter 0x560a33a3 com.codahale.metrics.CsvReporter@560a33a3]
	at java.base/java.lang.Thread.stop(
	at nrepl.middleware.session$interrupt_stop$fn__46328.invoke(session.clj:180)
	at clojure.core$binding_conveyor_fn$fn__5823.invoke(core.clj:2047)
	at java.base/
	at java.base/java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(
	at java.base/java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$
	at java.base/
[nREPL-session-a72fac0c-5425-4a56-87f9-a7612298c923] INFO org.eclipse.jetty.server.AbstractConnector - Stopped ServerConnector@1d1bbc9e{HTTP/1.1, (http/1.1, h2c)}{}
[nREPL-session-a72fac0c-5425-4a56-87f9-a7612298c923] ERROR  - Could not close: #xtdb.http_server.HTTPServer{:server #object[org.eclipse.jetty.server.Server 0x23199e71 Server@23199e71{FAILED}[9.4.44.v20210927]], :options {:port 9999, :read-only? false, :jwks nil, :server-label nil, :jetty-opts nil, :xtdb-node #<XtdbNode>}}
	at java.base/java.util.concurrent.locks.AbstractQueuedSynchronizer.tryAcquireSharedNanos(
	at java.base/java.util.concurrent.CountDownLatch.await(


Hi @U2T2ZEVPC I don't recognise this error. Is this 1.21.1? Do you get an error and stacktrace when calling .close directly? Or can you only see these errors in the log? Have you tried reproducing the setup minimally?


I solved the previous error as I told you. Reasons was two: cache block size was bad (I dropped from Rocksdb spec.. but that was a mistake plus def/declare type). That is new. I didn’t created more minimal setup, that need to be a minimal skeleton for this (deps.edn + mount + xtdb + jetty + pedestal <> cljs part: shadow-cljs, but just one pager nothing extra). When you run the project dev mode, just drop (start) for restart (re) in user namespace. Interesting part in project.clj.components.db 30th line


That is the minimal skeleton now for me. I commented out the line ;:xtdb.metrics.csv/reporter {:output-file (str xtdb-path "/xtdb-metrics")} but later maybe I create more minimal for xtdb. I do apologize.


I think, that is really minimal, ofc under WIP.. so nothing extra things here. Just I would like to create for me a skeleton base. And solve every mistake, questions (all part).


Ah awesome, thank you, this should really help narrow things down quickly. I'll dig in tomorrow


Thank you very much, if you have any advice.. you see.. something bad.. just tell me 🙂

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