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M J09:11:24

Hi, I wanted to know how do I write this in clojurescript (styles):

td {
  border: solid 1px #000;
  border-style: none solid solid none;
  padding: 10px;

tr:first-child td:first-child { border-top-left-radius: 10px; }
tr:first-child td:last-child { border-top-right-radius: 10px; }
I mainly want to know how do I target "first-child" in clojurescript. Thanks


That's CSS which does not exist in ClojureScript by itself. It all depends on what exactly you're using for CSS-in-CLJS, if anything.

M J09:11:26

Ok I got it.. thnx

Felipe Nascimento20:11:23

Hi, I'm facing some difficulty to be able to use a nested function of a component

Felipe Nascimento20:11:50

<ActionIcon variant="default" onClick={() => toggleColorScheme()} size={30}>
              {colorScheme === 'dark' ? <IconSun size={16} /> : <IconMoonStars size={16} />}

Felipe Nascimento20:11:56

I need convert this to cljs

Felipe Nascimento20:11:15

but the toggleColorScheme() come from const { colorScheme, toggleColorScheme } = useMantineColorScheme();

Felipe Nascimento20:11:34

idk how to call from the onClick event

Felipe Nascimento20:11:26

I tried this

:on-click (fn [t]
  (. mantine.core/useMantineColorScheme -toggleColorScheme))}]


(let [^js color-scheme-obj (useMangineColorScheme)
      toggle-color-scheme (.-toggleColorScheme color-scheme-obj)]
  [:> ActionIcon {:variant  "default"
                  :on-click (fn []


Should the let binding toggle-color-scheme (.-toggleColorScheme color-scheme-obj) have an octothorpe to make it a function? toggle-color-scheme #(.-toggleColorScheme color-scheme-obj), @U2FRKM4TW?


Why? The JS code doesn't do it. It's a function that's already assigned to a field.

👍 1
Felipe Nascimento20:11:49

sometimes the jump difficulty from clojure to clojurescript/react is unbelievable


I'd be curious to know what you struggled with here exactly (see my response to your previous message and how it's just JS interop along with some Reagent-specific thing, namely :>).

Felipe Nascimento20:11:19

it was just a rant ;), can you point me to some material to better understand how to interpolate and build a react app in clojurescript application?


Sorry, I don't keep track of such materials. But some primers on CLJS<->JS interop, without any React, are easy to find and are very useful.


Also, you need to unpack what's going on in JS before writing it in CLJS - at least, before you get fully comfortable with interop. E.g. here

const { colorScheme, toggleColorScheme } = useMantineColorScheme();
there are 3 things going on: 1. Calling the useMantineColorScheme 2. Extracting the colorScheme field of the returned object and assigning it to a constant with the same name 3. Same but for toggleColorScheme Then, you gotta apply interop step by step: 1. This would be (useMantineColorScheme) 2. This one you don't need at all 3. This one would be (.-toggleColorScheme that-obj-from-before) And so on, and so forth.

👍 1
Felipe Nascimento22:11:33

react-dom.development.js:14907 Uncaught Error: Invalid hook call. Hooks can only be called inside of the body of a function component. This could happen for one of the following reasons

Felipe Nascimento22:11:48

(require '["@mantine/core" :as mantine.core])

[:> mantine.core/ActionIcon {:variant "default"
                    :size 30
                    :on-click (fn [x]
                                (let [^js color-scheme-obj (mantine.core/useMantineColorScheme)
                                      toggle-color-scheme (.-toggleColorScheme color-scheme-obj)]
                                  [:> action-icon {:variant  "default"
                                                   :on-click (fn []

Felipe Nascimento23:11:19

@U2FRKM4TW I did as you show me, but now Im facing some hook error ^


Have you tried looking that error up online?

Felipe Nascimento10:11:25

yes, I tried place inside [:f>


Why did you put the hook inside the on-click handler? IIRC the JS version didn't do it.

Felipe Nascimento10:11:23

I just simplify to this

Felipe Nascimento10:11:03


(let [^js x (mantine.core/useMantineColorScheme)
      x1 (.-toggleColorScheme x)]
  (js/console.log x)
  (js/console.log x1))


Hooks are special. You can't just use them as you please, even if it makes the code appear simpler. You have to use them in a way they are designed to be used.

Felipe Nascimento10:11:54

I only need from const { colorScheme, toggleColorScheme } = useMantineColorScheme(); the toggleColorScheme function, but seans that the toogleColorSchema is a hook so I can`t use it or even access it

Felipe Nascimento10:11:17

but in the original code, the toggleColorScheme is used inside on-click


toogleColorScheme is probably a plain function. But useMantineColorScheme is probably a hook.


Well, as you can see in the code at that link, Demo is a function component and that hook is used right at its start. You just gotta replicate that.