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Hi 👋 When developing on my local machine connected to datomic cloud (ions), I sometimes get

#error {
:cause "Abruptly closed by peer"
:message "Abruptly closed by peer"
:at [$DecryptedEndPoint fill "" 769]}]
after, I guess, a period of inactivity on that connection -- is that a ‘normal’ thing? (happy to try and provide more detail as I investigate) Thanks!


Here is an extended stacktrace

{:cognitect.anomalies/category :cognitect.anomalies/fault, :cognitect.anomalies/message "Abruptly closed by peer", :cognitect.http-client/throwable #error {
 :cause "Abruptly closed by peer"
   :message "Abruptly closed by peer"
   :at [$DecryptedEndPoint fill "" 769]}]
 [[$DecryptedEndPoint fill "" 769]
  [org.eclipse.jetty.client.http.HttpReceiverOverHTTP process "" 164]
  [org.eclipse.jetty.client.http.HttpReceiverOverHTTP receive "" 79]
  [org.eclipse.jetty.client.http.HttpChannelOverHTTP receive "" 131]
  [org.eclipse.jetty.client.http.HttpConnectionOverHTTP onFillable "" 172]
  [$ReadCallback succeeded "" 311]
  [ fillable "" 105]
  [$DecryptedEndPoint onFillable "" 555]
  [ onFillable "" 410]
  [$2 succeeded "" 164]
  [ fillable "" 105]
  [$1 run "" 104]
  [org.eclipse.jetty.util.thread.strategy.EatWhatYouKill runTask "" 338]
  [org.eclipse.jetty.util.thread.strategy.EatWhatYouKill doProduce "" 315]
  [org.eclipse.jetty.util.thread.strategy.EatWhatYouKill tryProduce "" 173]
  [org.eclipse.jetty.util.thread.strategy.EatWhatYouKill run "" 131]
  [org.eclipse.jetty.util.thread.ReservedThreadExecutor$ReservedThread run "" 409]
  [org.eclipse.jetty.util.thread.QueuedThreadPool runJob "" 883]
  [org.eclipse.jetty.util.thread.QueuedThreadPool$Runner run "" 1034]
  [java.lang.Thread run "" 834]]}}
 [{:type clojure.lang.ExceptionInfo
   :message "Abruptly closed by peer"
   :data {:cognitect.anomalies/category :cognitect.anomalies/fault, :cognitect.anomalies/message "Abruptly closed by peer", :cognitect.http-client/throwable #error {
 :cause "Abruptly closed by peer"
   :message "Abruptly closed by peer"
   :at [$DecryptedEndPoint fill "" 769]}]
 [[$DecryptedEndPoint fill "" 769]
  [org.eclipse.jetty.client.http.HttpReceiverOverHTTP process "" 164]
  [org.eclipse.jetty.client.http.HttpReceiverOverHTTP receive "" 79]
  [org.eclipse.jetty.client.http.HttpChannelOverHTTP receive "" 131]
  [org.eclipse.jetty.client.http.HttpConnectionOverHTTP onFillable "" 172]
  [$ReadCallback succeeded "" 311]
  [ fillable "" 105]
  [$DecryptedEndPoint onFillable "" 555]
  [ onFillable "" 410]
  [$2 succeeded "" 164]
  [ fillable "" 105]
  [$1 run "" 104]
  [org.eclipse.jetty.util.thread.strategy.EatWhatYouKill runTask "" 338]
  [org.eclipse.jetty.util.thread.strategy.EatWhatYouKill doProduce "" 315]
  [org.eclipse.jetty.util.thread.strategy.EatWhatYouKill tryProduce "" 173]
  [org.eclipse.jetty.util.thread.strategy.EatWhatYouKill run "" 131]
  [org.eclipse.jetty.util.thread.ReservedThreadExecutor$ReservedThread run "" 409]
  [org.eclipse.jetty.util.thread.QueuedThreadPool runJob "" 883]
  [org.eclipse.jetty.util.thread.QueuedThreadPool$Runner run "" 1034]
  [java.lang.Thread run "" 834]]}}
   :at [datomic.client.api.async$ares invokeStatic "async.clj" 58]}]
 [[datomic.client.api.async$ares invokeStatic "async.clj" 58]
  [datomic.client.api.async$ares invoke "async.clj" 54]
  [datomic.client.api.sync.Client connect "sync.clj" 92]
  [datomic.client.api$connect invokeStatic "api.clj" 146]
  [datomic.client.api$connect invoke "api.clj" 133]


I guess I could treat this as a retryable anomaly? Would appreciate any advice on this 🙂


Also there seems to be some chemistry flavoured spamming going on

😆 2
🧪 1
Alex Miller (Clojure team)18:11:26

Thx I’ll let people know

❤️ 1
🙏 1