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Alt-w and crtl-y was hard to get used to.. just installed evil-mode instead
Do folks really use those keybindings?
The default emacs key bindings tend to work all over the place in OSX, so they've become muscle memory for me.
ah, that must help, yes
hey all! So I'm learning cider-repl mode, and M-r (which is prev-matching-input) is overshadowed by M-r from paredit. I wonder if there is an easy way to bring cider's binding on top?
@asolovyov: it occurs to me that the most convenient option is to make your own keymap
a bit of googling around brought me to this idea as well
makes for an easy way to toggle back and forth as well
@asolovyov: if you just want to do this for clojure-mode, you can toss a lambda to rebind it into the clojure-mode-hook
without the whole keymap
i'm not sure if you can just unbind it from paredit's keymap and then cider's keymap will be left
but could be worth a try
that's different functions (paredit-splice-sexp-killing-backward and paredit-raise-sexp), but I don't see any difference
(add-hook 'clojure-mode-hook (lambda () (define-key paredit-mode-map (kbd "M-r") nil)))
I think
i don't use paredit so i don't know the keymap name