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i suppose the answer to coordination is to sanction a place in boot proper
@micha: yes I did that. Now that you're asking it's probably not a good idea. If subsequent tasks modify the file the metadata will be gone, right?
@micha: the cljs task did that with the output flag so that's why I just followed that example
Would be cool to add a show —usage
task that displays information about the JVM process (mem/cpu usage)
@micha: think I misunderstood your earlier question. I add the metadata to the TmpFile objects (as it’s done by boot.core/add-meta
shouldn’t the exception be re-thrown here?
@martinklepsch: The ideas is that user doesn't want to see the 200 lines of stacktrace when the only interesting info is that there is error on file x on line y
@juhoteperi: tasks like speak
expect an exception to inform users about failed builds
Hmph, perhaps it could throw an new exception only containing the message
Hi I,m looking for a way to exclude a particular namespace/file from cljs compilation any recommendation ?
@benzen: is that namespace/file being required by other files?
@benzen: can you explain a bit more? why do you want to exclude it?
to start the devcards ui you need to call this macro
What i think is happening, is that even if i doesn't call use this namespace in my dev or prod build, the macro still gets executed
I see.
@benzen: You could try moving your devcards namespace(s) to another source directory.
i.e. now it’s in src/app/devcards/core.cljs
and you move it to cards/app/devcards/core.cljs
Then when you want to include the devcards stuff you just call something like (merge-env! :source-paths [ “cards”])
@martinklepsch: thank you
@benzen: you could have also used set-env!
. Just pass a function instead of a value: (set-env! :source-paths #(conj % “cards”))
anyone seeing a potential memory leak in my garden task?
(someone just reported one…)
There’s so little code and pod pools should clean up after themselves right?
@martinklepsch: Are you still working on hud changes or are the PRs ready?
@juhoteperi: Not working on them right now but I also don’t quite think they’re ready
@juhoteperi: I’d like to get handle-ex
Or at least get to a point where more than one exception type will be displayed in the hud
@martinklepsch: i think you need to destroy the pod when you're done
I think that can be changed later
@alandipert: even when I use a pod pool? They should handle destroy when being called with :refresh
@juhoteperi: true. if you merge, please open issues for the outstanding stuff so things don’t get lost
@martinklepsch: Okay, I'll merge, change it so that file info etc. is send to client and release snapshots for testing
@podviaznikov: @juhoteperi do I see that correctly that currently perun metadata keys are filenames instead of their path in the fileset?
martinklepsch: Yeah, that could cause problems
one more yak to shave 😄
Hmh I wonder if even Figwheel has info about warning file name and line number
btw, dnolen said those error-message
helpers for warnings (lol) could be moved somewhere public.
But I don't know if we need that
Strange, what is adding that line number to the message
it’s the env
thats passed to the handler iirc
Oh right
error-message is used from cljs.analyzer
I thought I already moved those
Can I pass tmp-file records between pods?
^ apparently it’s not possible
@martinklepsch: yeah you definitely want to destroy the pod when you're done with it, the pool thing can't know when you're done
err actually, i'm wrong again
will let @micha come in and clarify lol
right. sorry for added confusion
Hah I had to do some magic to be able to construct original file path from file in tmp-dir
There was a problem running open-file command: vim --servername saapas --remote-silent "+call cursor(27,0)" src/cljs/frontend/core.cljs
At least now the command is correct
Aha: (.exec (Runtime/getRuntime))
I forgot to add the commad to exec call
Warnings look quite bit better when the filepaths don't include the tmp-dir path
@juhoteperi: your README link to boot is pointing to tailrecursion
The readme hasn't been updated in a year 😄
How should I pronounce boot-cljs 😄 boot clojurescript or boot c l j s 😄
I do the latter, but not sure what the consensus is 😉