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@clumsyjedi: Thanks! I will have a go at it and let you know.
@clumsyjedi: I have tried, it but no success. The repl starts showing:
Exception updating the ns-cache #<SocketException Socket closed>
Exception updating the ns-cache #<SocketException Socket closed>
Exception updating the ns-cache #<SocketException Socket closed>
And eventually a ThreadDead exception occurs. Meanwhile vi hangs waiting for a reponse from the REPL I guess.
Is the when you open the file or when you try eval something?
what’s your environment like? java version? lein version? vim-fireplace version? OS?
I must confess to never having seen an error like that before
{:plugins [
[cider/cider-nrepl "0.10.0-SNAPSHOT"]
[refactor-nrepl "1.2.0-SNAPSHOT"]
[jonase/eastwood "0.2.1"]
[lein-deps-tree "0.1.2"]
[lein-try "0.4.1"]]
:dependencies [[org.clojure/tools.nrepl "0.2.10"]]
:repositories {"datomic" {:url ""
as far as fireplace, how are you installing it? pathogen?
ok, I can reproduce the error by using your profiles.clj
so it’s not your fireplace version
I would suggest using stable cider-nrepl and refactor-nrepl versions, afaik no one has tested fireplace with those
Or well, fireplace shouldn't care too much about refactor-nrepl but it uses cider-nrepl
yeah same, I changed your profiles to
{:plugins [
[cider/cider-nrepl "0.9.1"]
[refactor-nrepl "1.1.0"]
[jonase/eastwood "0.2.1"]
[lein-deps-tree "0.1.2"]
[lein-try "0.4.1"]]
:dependencies [[org.clojure/tools.nrepl "0.2.10"]]
:repositories {"datomic" {:url ""
:password :env/DATOMIC_REPO_PASSWORD}}}}
and it works
( I eventually get a response using the 0.10 version though... funny, I was in a presentation and came back to a repl reponse)
maybe you just need to leave the room for the sockets to work? 😕
Bam, that works. Thanks a bunch guys. Now I will try the repl connection to figwheel, that's what I was originally up to.
fireplace still does not use refactor-nrepl, @clumsyjedi ? i am shocked... ;)
There's a separate plugin for some refactor-nrepl functions, confusingly named vim-cider
i know @juhoteperi nice work!
@clumsyjedi: Thanks for putting me on the right track, I have a figwheel repl working now!
nice one
(benedek stop causing trouble)
g f is still using the wrong repl, resulting in java stack traces while I want to be connected to clojurescript repl
in emacs when I search with helm-ag, how can I refresh the results (like g in rgrep)?
@gerstree: Looks like gf
implementation in Fireplace just uses Clojure ns-aliases
so it won work with Cljs:
@gerstree: Try this:
Perhaps 😄 I don't have working cljs repl so I don't know
@juhoteperi: no luck yet with that change. I'm fiddling with that code a bit myself, learning a bit of vimscript on the way.
@juhoteperi: / @gerstree if either of you are able to actually get something working there, for the love of god get it into fireplace core. I’m going nuts not having access to gf
in cljs
@gerstree: I got Piggieback working somewhat. gf
is working for me