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what could cause this to happen, @marshall @jaret? no ddb throttling at all, heartbeat totally stable, but all services started getting transaction timeouts, and as you can see on the graph, live index threshold stuck at full. first time we've ever seen this!
@robert-stuttaford would you be able to start a case and share logs, version, config settings? We’d be interested in looking at this in more detail.
my colleague Geoff will mail soon!
Is it possible to restore a database from a file on disk into an in-memory database? I'd like to write some tests for my code but don't want to point them towards the database on my system since that isn't portable. I know how to restore a database from the command line, what I am looking for is some Clojure code which demonstrates how to take an on-disk backup and restore it into an in-memory Datomic database for use in my tests. Thanks!
Am pondering the use of :db/fulltext. It’d mean I have to copy data over to new attribute. Is fulltext query really much faster than [(.contains :attr/name ?q)]?
fulltext does not. it’s a lucene index with default tokenization and stop words, and you can use lucene queries
not sure a “contains” would work reliably because it’s designed for natural language queries and indexing
@U09R86PA4 Thanks for the reply. So in short, yeah.. it’ll be faster?
'[:find ?e
:in $ ?q
[?e :user/email ?email]
[?e :user/name ?name]
[(.toLowerCase ^String ?name) ?name2]
[(str ?email " " ?name2) ?text]
[(re-find ?q ?text)]]
<mailto:[email protected]|[email protected]> -> full email
Might want to search for “”
I’m just wondering if you need the full power of RE or if you just want to match different segments
if you want exact matches of different segments, you would be better off creating derived attrs with just those parts canonicalized for indexing purposes, then do exact matches against them
Heya… just been browsing and noticed your pm tool uses terms stories and epics, as do I… old school agile XP