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Hello everyone, Would it be possible to mix a Datomic DB and a Datalevin DB in the same (Datomic) query ?

(require '[datomic.api :as d])
(require '[datalevin.core :as dl])

(def dl-conn
  (dl/create-conn "/tmp/datalevin/dl_db" {}))

(dl/transact dl-conn [{:user/email ""
                       :user/email-hash "e2e6d7a977f2ca2b3900e22c68655b30"}])

(d/q '[:find ?fullname .
       :in $ $dl ?email
       [$dl ?datalevin-id :user/email      ?email]
       [$dl ?datalevin-id :user/email-hash ?email-hash]
       [$   ?datomic-id   :user/email-hash ?email-hash]
       [$   ?datomic-id   :user/fullname   ?fullname]
     (d/db datomic-conn) @datalevin-conn "") ;; => nil
The idea would be to join around the ?email-hash value and use Datalevin as a mutable store where critical GDPR values can be deleted. I tried it and got nil as a result.


Instead of using the db position in the where clauses, could you call a nested query on the datalevin db? Something like this (untested)

(d/q '[:find ?fullname .
       :in $ $dl ?email
       [(datalevin.core/q [:find ?email ?email-hash
               [$dl ?datalevin-id :user/email      ?email]
               [$dl ?datalevin-id :user/email-hash ?email-hash]]
        [?email ?email-hash]]
       [$   ?datomic-id   :user/email-hash ?email-hash]
       [$   ?datomic-id   :user/fullname   ?fullname]
  (d/db datomic-conn) @datalevin-conn "")
I forget off hand how what's required to invoke arbitrary functions like this on datomic, but I know something like this should work if you instead invert things and call datomic from a datalevin query


:thinking_face: I don't get exactly what kind of Datomic clause is the following code:

[(datalevin.core/q [:find ?email ?email-hash
                    [$dl ?datalevin-id :user/email      ?email]
                    [$dl ?datalevin-id :user/email-hash ?email-hash]]
 [?email ?email-hash]]
From I can see:
pred-expr                  = [ [pred fn-arg+] ]
fn-expr                    = [ [fn fn-arg+] binding]
Is it one of the two?


the latter


It's surprisingly hard to find documentation of this ability, across datomic/datalevin/datascript


I'll try this on the branch with my wip code and let you know what happens.


Yes I'm looking for information and struggle a bit


I think in datomic you may need to register the function or something, and it might be different behavior across cloud and on prem


but on datascript at least, and i think datalevin, you can just use any fully qualified symbol within a query


In your code you are using datomic as the query engine, maybe do the reverse? datascript/datalevin can query on any data source that looks like a seq of triples (triple could be a vector or a map), i.e. something like [[1 :a "a"] [2 :b "b"]] is a valid data source, even [[:a "a"] [:b "b"]] works. Not sure about datomic.


and as jjttjj said, you can use whatever fully qualified function in the query in datalevin.


Is datalevin.core/v supposed to work on the results of get-range?

(->> (dl/get-range kvdb jobs-table [:all] :instant :data)
       (mapv dl/v))
Is giving me:
IllegalArgumentException No implementation of method: :v of protocol: #'datalevin.lmdb/IKV found for class: clojure.lang.PersistentVector


k and v are there for working with IKV, which is the raw point query result. Range query results are already compatible with Clojure data structures, so you shouldn’t need to use these.


k and v is needed if you are writing a predicate, for example, where you need to deal with raw IKV


get-range etc return a seq of Clojure vectors or scalars, depending on your arguments


k and v return ByteBuffer, that you need to use b/read-buffer on them.


So they are very low level, and are used in function such as visit, range-filter etc to write predicates.


gotcha, thanks!


Updated the doc to make this clear. Thx.

🙏 2