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trying to bind hyperfiddle.electric-client/*ws-server-url* , but it seems missionary doesn't preserve dynamic bindings when it retries the connection in boot-with-retry?

Dustin Getz02:03:59

you’re losing a custom binding on reconnect?


yeah. and when it does connect I get this error in browser console:

_LT_x is undefined

 in (try ...) 

 TypeError: _LT_x is undefined
    with runtime.cljc:601
    iterator Continuous.cljs:144
    missionary$impl$Continuous$suspend missionary.impl.Continuous.js:487
    missionary$impl$Fiber$Fiber$swich$arity$2 Continuous.cljs:16
    missionary$core$switch core.cljc:165
    hyperfiddle$electric$impl$runtime$variable_$_cr159841_block_3 runtime.cljc:619
    result impl.cljc:60
    cljs$core$IFn$_invoke$arity$5 core.cljs:3953
    cljs$core$IFn$_invoke$arity$4 core.cljs:3948
    cljs$core$IFn$_invoke$arity$3 core.cljs:3942
    cljs$core$IFn$_invoke$arity$2 core.cljs:3936
    cljs$core$IFn$_invoke$arity$2 core.cljs:3971
    G__160034__delegate runtime.cljc:86
    G__160034 hyperfiddle.electric.impl.runtime.js:71
    1 Latest.cljs:34
    missionary$impl$Latest$transfer missionary.impl.Latest.js:148
    cljs$core$IDeref$_deref$arity$1 Latest.cljs:10
    cljs$core$_deref core.cljs:688
    cljs$core$deref core.cljs:1477
    1 Latest.cljs:28
    missionary$impl$Latest$transfer missionary.impl.Latest.js:148
    cljs$core$IDeref$_deref$arity$1 Latest.cljs:10
    cljs$core$_deref core.cljs:688
    cljs$core$deref core.cljs:1477
    1 Latest.cljs:28
    missionary$impl$Latest$transfer missionary.impl.Latest.js:148
    cljs$core$IDeref$_deref$arity$1 Latest.cljs:10
    cljs$core$_deref core.cljs:688
    cljs$core$deref core.cljs:1477
    1 Latest.cljs:28
    missionary$impl$Latest$transfer missionary.impl.Latest.js:148
    cljs$core$IDeref$_deref$arity$1 Latest.cljs:10
    cljs$core$_deref core.cljs:688
    cljs$core$deref core.cljs:1477
    1 Latest.cljs:28
    missionary$impl$Latest$transfer missionary.impl.Latest.js:148
    cljs$core$IDeref$_deref$arity$1 Latest.cljs:10
    cljs$core$_deref core.cljs:688
    cljs$core$deref core.cljs:1477
    cljs$core$IDeref$_deref$arity$1 runtime.cljc:547
    cljs$core$_deref core.cljs:688
    cljs$core$deref core.cljs:1477
    hyperfiddle$electric$impl$yield2$transfer_loop yield2.cljc:30
    hyperfiddle$electric$impl$yield2$transfer_recover yield2.cljc:31
    out yield2.cljc:37
    hyperfiddle$electric$impl$yield2$transfer_input hyperfiddle.electric.impl.yield2.js:231
    hyperfiddle$electric$impl$yield2$transfer yield2.cljc:42
    cljs$core$IDeref$_deref$arity$1 yield2.cljc:13
    cljs$core$_deref core.cljs:688
    cljs$core$deref core.cljs:1477
    value Continuous.cljs:179
    missionary$impl$Continuous$push missionary.impl.Continuous.js:565
    missionary$impl$Fiber$Fiber$unpark$arity$1 Continuous.cljs:18
    missionary$core$unpark core.cljc:172
    hyperfiddle$electric$impl$runtime$variable_$_cr159841_block_4 runtime.cljc:619
    result impl.cljc:60
    G__159181__0 cloroutine.impl.js:45
    r Continuous.cljs:74
    missionary$impl$Continuous$step missionary.impl.Continuous.js:321
    1 Continuous.cljs:205
    missionary$impl$Continuous$transfer missionary.impl.Continuous.js:614
    cljs$core$IDeref$_deref$arity$1 Continuous.cljs:12
    cljs$core$_deref core.cljs:688
    cljs$core$deref core.cljs:1477
    missionary$impl$Reactor$pull Reactor.cljs:87
    missionary$impl$Reactor$sample Reactor.cljs:98
    value Reactor.cljs:258
    missionary$impl$Reactor$push missionary.impl.Reactor.js:768
    cljs$core$IDeref$_deref$arity$1 Reactor.cljs:16
    cljs$core$_deref core.cljs:688
    cljs$core$deref core.cljs:1477
    1 Latest.cljs:28
    missionary$impl$Latest$transfer missionary.impl.Latest.js:148
    cljs$core$IDeref$_deref$arity$1 Latest.cljs:10
    cljs$core$_deref core.cljs:688
    cljs$core$deref core.cljs:1477
    1 Latest.cljs:28
    missionary$impl$Latest$transfer missionary.impl.Latest.js:148
    cljs$core$IDeref$_deref$arity$1 Latest.cljs:10
    cljs$core$_deref core.cljs:688
    cljs$core$deref core.cljs:1477
    1 Latest.cljs:28
    missionary$impl$Latest$transfer missionary.impl.Latest.js:148
    cljs$core$IDeref$_deref$arity$1 Latest.cljs:10
    cljs$core$_deref core.cljs:688
    cljs$core$deref core.cljs:1477
    missionary$impl$Reactor$pull Reactor.cljs:87
    missionary$impl$Reactor$touch Reactor.cljs:120
    missionary$impl$Reactor$publish Reactor.cljs:347
    missionary$core$stream_BANG_ core.cljc:885
    _rec__3 runtime.cljc:786
    iterator Reactor.cljs:341
    missionary$impl$Reactor$publish missionary.impl.Reactor.js:1064
    missionary$core$stream_BANG_ core.cljc:885
    _rec__3 runtime.cljc:779
    cljs$core$IDeref$_deref$arity$1 Reactor.cljs:312
    cljs$core$_deref core.cljs:688
    cljs$core$deref core.cljs:1477
    missionary$impl$Reactor$pull Reactor.cljs:87
    missionary$impl$Reactor$sample Reactor.cljs:98
    missionary$impl$Reactor$touch Reactor.cljs:123
    missionary$impl$Reactor$propagate Reactor.cljs:137
    missionary$impl$Reactor$event Reactor.cljs:281
    missionary$impl$Reactor$run Reactor.cljs:316
    reactor_call core.cljc:870
    iterator Ambiguous.cljs:320
    missionary$impl$Ambiguous$suspend missionary.impl.Ambiguous.js:910
    missionary$impl$Fiber$Fiber$park$arity$2 Ambiguous.cljs:16
    missionary$core$park core.cljc:162
    cr112668_place_22 electric_client.cljs:108
    result impl.cljc:60
    G__159181__0 cloroutine.impl.js:45
    x Ambiguous.cljs:262
    missionary$impl$Ambiguous$ready missionary.impl.Ambiguous.js:689
    missionary$impl$Ambiguous$boot Ambiguous.cljs:28
    G__159181__2 impl.cljc:64
    missionary$impl$Ambiguous$backtrack Ambiguous.cljs:34
    missionary$impl$Ambiguous$branch Ambiguous.cljs:73
    missionary$impl$Ambiguous$ready Ambiguous.cljs:307
    missionary$impl$Ambiguous$boot Ambiguous.cljs:28
    missionary$impl$Ambiguous$run Ambiguous.cljs:358
    missionary$core$ap_run core.cljc:178
    G__159181__3 impl.cljc:65
    G__52817__2 core.cljs:4358
    iterator Ambiguous.cljs:320
    missionary$impl$Ambiguous$suspend missionary.impl.Ambiguous.js:910
    missionary$impl$Fiber$Fiber$fork$arity$3 Ambiguous.cljs:18
    missionary$core$fork core.cljc:169
    hyperfiddle$electric_client$send_all_$_cr112559_block_0 electric_client.cljs:65
    result impl.cljc:60
    G__159181__0 cloroutine.impl.js:45
    x Ambiguous.cljs:262
    missionary$impl$Ambiguous$ready missionary.impl.Ambiguous.js:689
    missionary$impl$Ambiguous$boot Ambiguous.cljs:28
    missionary$impl$Ambiguous$run Ambiguous.cljs:358
    missionary$core$ap_run core.cljc:178
    G__159181__3 impl.cljc:65
    G__52817__2 core.cljs:4358
    input Reduce.cljs:36
    missionary$impl$Reduce$run missionary.impl.Reduce.js:128
    2 core.cljc:524
    missionary$impl$race_join/j.cancel[index_157112]< impl.cljs:179
    missionary$impl$race_join missionary.impl.js:613
    variadic core.cljc:115
    c_156678 Sequential.cljs:29
    missionary$impl$Sequential$suspend missionary.impl.Sequential.js:134
    missionary$impl$Fiber$Fiber$park$arity$2 Sequential.cljs:13
    missionary$core$park core.cljc:162
    hyperfiddle$electric_client$connector_$_cr112581_block_3 electric_client.cljs:74
    result impl.cljc:60
    G__159181__0 cloroutine.impl.js:45
    x_156679 Sequential.cljs:40
    missionary$impl$Sequential$step missionary.impl.Sequential.js:151
    resume Sequential.cljs:53
    onopen electric_client.cljs:32


for context, i'm writing a use-electric react hook

👀 2
Dustin Getz02:03:05

can you send me a gist of what you have? it can be sloppy

Dustin Getz02:03:21

i’m headed to bed but we will look tomorrow

Dustin Getz02:03:01

ok, i see how you’re setting the binding, i need to read the src, don’t remember how it works, we will get back to you


thanks, also for further context I need to override the endpoint because I'm just using the provided jetty server alongside my existing http server. But I also think it'd be really cool to spin up electric instances dynamically


I want to use electric more surgically for latency-critical multiplayer use cases and have a bunch of electric clients embedded in react

Dustin Getz16:03:16

@U797MAJ8M this snippet works the first time, it is only reconnect that loses the dynamic?

Dustin Getz16:03:15

which makes sense, ok

Dustin Getz16:03:21

If I am not mistaken, you can (set! ws-server-url ...) at top level

Dustin Getz16:03:24

Upon review of the history I think I do consider this a bug, we should capture the binding set at boot, though we are unlikely to fix it soon unless you can't get it to work


cool, I can connect so that's not an immediate problem. The error I get after that is weird though. It looks like runtime/with is scheduled in a callback, and when it's fired the second arity <x is undefined?

👀 2

this stuff is really opaque to troubleshoot

Dustin Getz22:03:32

i dont understand, was there progress or did i send bad guidance

Dustin Getz22:03:26

and are you saying the binding is intermittently available? sometimes it reconnects?

Dustin Getz22:03:34

i think maybe i need to clone your repo


I'm referring to the stacktrace I sent above


should make a separate thread maybe


but after it connects, nothing is happening except for that error in the console

Dustin Getz22:03:07

i've desynced from you, can you state the issue from the beginning without referring to any prior context

Dustin Getz17:09:46

Are you still customizing ws-server-url in this way?


@U09K620SG it looks like I just did (set! hyperfiddle.electric-client/*ws-server-url* "") , but I think that isn't good enough for something like a per-component endpoint

👀 2

there's ui/select which is used in the We did not wrap radio pickers yet since using the typeahead and select was fine for our use cases. Your w3schools example would be built in electric

  (dom/input (dom/props {:type "radio" ...


Okay thank you so much and I am sorry my repo clone is a little old so I didn't see that example in mine. :)


Have a good day! 🙂

😉 2
🙂 2

I didn't see any usage of them in demo projects, if you leave very basic usage example would be awesome. 🙂


I'm trying to isolate and understand a live-reload problem I'm experiencing when I try to add the shadow-css library to the starter-app repo. The problematic outcome that sometimes happens (it's hard for me to make it happen predictably) is that on a source code change the elements in the DOM remain, but get a display: none style attached to them, forcing me to reload manually in my browser. Can I get some help understanding what might be going wrong here based on electric's DOM implementation? I see which sets display: none on unmount, but it appears as though no other DOM elements are being added to replace the unmounted ones.

Geoffrey Gaillard14:03:00

Are you getting any error printed to your REPL or javascript console?


no, nothing in either place. I can push up a fork of the repo if you are interested

Geoffrey Gaillard14:03:20

Thank you, I’ll give it a look

Geoffrey Gaillard16:03:01

I’m short on time to look into it today, sorry. I’ll get back to you


no problem. Thanks, again

Geoffrey Gaillard10:03:27

We can reproduce the issue and also saw it elsewhere. Probably not related to shadow-css. This is on us, we’ll keep you posted.

👍 2

Hi @U06060CK0, we landed a fix where I've seen similar behavior and now it's gone. If you pull latest master and still find this behavior can you let us know?


it appears that on d636c0f I am still able to reproduce the behavior I was seeing. I actually pared down the reproduction steps to trigger the behavior in the README on my fork of the starter app.


@U06060CK0 we pushed a fix for this, I also tested your repro steps with latest master commit and can no longer reproduce


awesome. I pulled the latest commit and am also confirming that it's fixed on my end. Thank you!

👍 2

with the electric root component node as a div (react ref)

(e/defn Main [dom-root]
  (binding [e.d/node dom-root]
    (e.d/pre (e.d/text "hi"))))
nothing happens, except for this stacktrace in the browser console

👀 2

It looks like runtime/with is scheduled in a callback, and when it's fired the second arity <x is undefined

Dustin Getz22:03:55

I get a similar error from (e/client (new nil))


yeah, but the (.-current ref) shouldn't be nil as it's in a if.. statement (see gist from last thread)

Dustin Getz22:03:41

the string ".-current ref" is not in the gist

Dustin Getz22:03:34

Passing electric-component through a clojure function is suspicious


(defn start-electric [dom-root-ref electric-component]
  (hooks/use-effect (fn []
                      (if-let [x (.-current dom-root-ref)]
                        (let [electric-main (e/boot (electric-component. x))
                              reactor       (electric-main
                                             #(js/console.log "Reactor success:" %)
                                             (fn [error]
                                               (case (:hyperfiddle.electric/type (ex-data error))
                                                 :hyperfiddle.electric-client/stale-client (do (js/console.log "Server and client version mismatch. Refreshing page.")
                                                                                               (.reload (.-location js/window)))
                                                 (js/console.error "Reactor failure:" error))))]
is the same


what should be I be doing instead of passing that?

Dustin Getz22:03:14

can you hardcode it and see if it works

Dustin Getz22:03:40

can i see the intended usage of (start-electric ...)


but what exactly is happening when I pass electric-component?

Dustin Getz22:03:52

(e/def x ...) from clojure-land's perspective, macroexpands to (def x) and then adds the quoted electric expr as metadata

Dustin Getz22:03:08

so electric-component is nil, clojure resolved it as a clojure var to nil


why is (meta Main) nil?

Dustin Getz22:03:00

(meta #'Main)

Dustin Getz22:03:29

also see defmacro def in electric.cljc

Dustin Getz22:03:16

To solve this, if you need to parameterize the electric entrypoint, i think you can use defmacro


you attach it to the var, I see. forgot that was a thing you could do

Dustin Getz22:03:46

page here is a qualified symbol to an electric def, which is resolved in Pages earlier in the file

Dustin Getz22:03:12

the code is contorted because Electric does not have eval yet, and basically the electric compiler today drops any electric code that isn't reachable from the entrypoint

Dustin Getz22:03:44

so if you wanna be dynamic, you can use a symbol but it needs to be a static reference, if that makes sense, vocabulary is escaping me right now

Dustin Getz22:03:24

i gtg - sorry about the pain

Dustin Getz22:03:05

I will log a ticket to improve that error about >x is nil, that was really bad


no worries, this is definitely challenging some assumptions I have about clojure

🙂 2
Dustin Getz23:03:39

haha in what way


I never write macros, I think I use metadata for one system but that was IMO a mistake. I think just using qualified kws for everything in as global a scope as possible is the way to go

👍 2

so I rarely have to think outside the "everything I care about is in the map of kw->whatever" mindset


blame pathom, makes programming ez mode

Dustin Getz00:03:23

yeah i agree with you that clojure's metadata is not broadly useful, it's almost useful in so many situations

Dustin Getz00:03:20

hopefully we can reduce the macro pain as Electric matures. The particular issue you hit today probably can be solved in a future design


if I render a component inside e/server

(e/defn Main [dom-root]
  (binding [e.d/node dom-root]
     (e.d/pre (e.d/text "hi")))))
shadow-cljs is not happy



(e/defn Test []
  (e.d/text "hi"))

(e/defn Main [dom-root]
  (binding [e.d/node dom-root]
    (e/server (new (Test.)))))
to more closely match


oh, I guess it has to be like this

(e/defn Test []
  (e/client (e.d/text "hi")))

(e/defn Main [dom-root]
  (binding [e.d/node dom-root]
    (e/server (new (Test.)))))

Dustin Getz02:03:10

the error “cannot resolve dom/node” means accessed from the wrong side

Dustin Getz02:03:47

if the e/client or e/server is omitted, it is inherited from the caller

Michael W23:03:35

How to make an svg clickable? I have tried quite a few ways but can't get it to work right. If I wrap it with a ui/button it works but puts the button graphic under the svg, which I don't want. Is that a style thing?

Michael W23:03:41

Figured this out with styles:

(ui/button (e/fn [] (do-something))
  (dom/style {:background "transparent"
              :border 0})
  (svg/svg ...))

Dustin Getz02:03:16

i don’t know the answer to this, i would start with stackoverflow probably to find out how it ought to work and then we can figure out how to do it in electric

Geoffrey Gaillard09:03:57

  (dom/on "click" (e/fn [event] (prn "svg clicked")))
    (dom/on "click" (e/fn [event] (prn "rect clicked")))))

👀 2

ok, I was under the impression that a e/defn is like a react component and the whole thing would render if something it closes over changes, but it really is kind of mind blowing how granular the effects are


at the same time, I can't figure out (nor do I have an actual use case) how effects should be coupled, like logging something when the text of a div changes

👀 2
Dustin Getz03:03:04

((fn [] (prn 1) (prn 2))) will fuse the effects, because clojure functions aren’t reactive inside. we could provide a macro for that ‘e/fuse’ but like you we have not found a real use case, each time we reached for it so far it turned out to not be the best option