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Hello! Unsure where to post this, but datahike is a replikativ project so this seemed ok. I noticed the cert expired on september 1st.


thanks, I will try to pass it on


Thanks for reporting, i did not check lately.


I’m also curious about what happened to replikativ itself (i.e. the p2p crdt and replication bits, Attention seems to have moved to datahike, although I realize many replikativ support libaries are shared between the two projects (konserve, kabel, etc)


I think @U1C36HC6N is still very much into this and with the new distributed capabilities it made a step in this direction again.


@U09R86PA4 Yes, in fact there is an underlying unified lattice based perspective on Datalog and replikativ. On a practical side kabel and replikativ need to be dependency updated and then integrated with the way Datahike is storing data. I have worked on a variant of for CRDTs as well. What are you interested in in particular in replikativ?


My interest was in using it as a framework for local-first (webapp platform, with cloud replicas) tenanted datasources with peer synchronization and replication. I stopped following the project about 4 years ago because my job and the problems I was working on changed. I recently had reason to be reminded of replikativ, and then serendipitously the next day there was a big Datahike release, so I reached out.


Nice. Yes, Datahike in a sense is a bit more pragmatic, since it allows you to cover distributed read scaling with a well behaving data retrieval model through Datalog queries. replikativ is more general, but requires more upfront investment into building a CRDT data model for your domain. Being able to share read-only data in a unified query language environment (distributed index space as I coined it) is a good intermediate step to better distributed programming, I think.