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Shako Farhad15:10:51

I am trying to get React Three Fiber and React Drei to work. But for some reason I am getting this error that i haven't seen before:


thats an error from the closure compiler. usually some code it doesn't understand. if you are on the latest shadow-cljs version there is unfortunately nothing to do


except letting webpack (or other JS tool) build the JS code

Shako Farhad15:10:09

Is it possible to let webpack (or anything else) build the JS code for specific packages only?

Shako Farhad15:10:27

When I added this line to the shadow-cljs.edn, I get this error instead.

:js-options {:resolve {"three-stdlib" {:target :npm :require "three-stdlib/index.js"}}}
The index.js does exist. And this used to work fine in an earlier version of shadow-cljs. I managed to build this.


shadow-cljs now follow "exports" in package.json, this package has one


you can set :js-options {:ignore-exports true} in the build config


don't know why you are doing that though ๐Ÿ˜›

Shako Farhad15:10:27

Hmmm.. Not sure if I understand. The part that causes all the issues is this:

["@react-three/drei" :as react-drei]
Whenever I try to use this, I have to jump through hoops. All the other stuff seems to work fine. Do I need to add something to my packages.json?


then that package does stuff that the closure compiler doesn't like


there is nothing to set or do, except not use the closure compiler


not something I can influence from the shadow-cljs side either unfortunately, the closure compiler has been lagging on some features the JS world widely adopted


so we can only wait ๐Ÿ˜›

Shako Farhad15:10:26

I see. Ok. That sucks. I fixed some closure compiler warnings for that package and it did work before, but seems like a new version of shadow-cljs makes it unusable again. Or maybe there is something else going :x

Shako Farhad15:10:46

I understand. Thank you very much for your prompt response!


as I said you can set :js-options {:ignore-exports true} in the build config. that will revert back to the old behavior, so your previous hacks might work

Shako Farhad15:10:23

I tried it but then it gives me this:

[:app] Build failure:
The required JS dependency "buffer" is not available, it was required by "node_modules/ktx-parse/dist/ktx-parse.cjs".

Dependency Trace:

Searched for npm packages in:



npm install buffer?

Shako Farhad15:10:29

That was all that was needed. What the hell. ๐Ÿ˜‚

Shako Farhad15:10:38

I appreciate your help alot. Thanks!

Ben Lieberman20:10:13

there's no way to double bundle when targeting :esm , is there?


no need for double bundle when you can just run the output through other tools?

Ben Lieberman13:10:51

ah, cool. didn't know about the :import provider. thanks!


Hello, is there a way to configure the dev-http-proxy to work with self-signed certs (i.e. a :proxy-insecure true option)


uhm in what context? I mean where is the problem without any setting?


Our development deployments use a self-signed TLS cert by default. If I wish to develop the UI with the shadow-cljs dev-proxy as the basis of rapid iteration, I find that something breaks with the self-signed TLS enabled. It does work fine when the backend has a real cert, ala LetsEncrypt, in production, and it works fine if I reconfigure the deployment to disable TLS. So, as a workaround, when I need to do UI dev, I disable TLS. I was just curious if there is a way to configure the dev-proxy so I donโ€™t need to do this dance.


FWIW, I do install the self-signed cert into my OSX KeyChain access and mark it as trusted, which satisfies some of the clients in the dev-flow, but not shadow-cljs dev proxy.


could you specify what the actual problem is? like error messages or whatever? I don't really know what the problem is, so I don't know how to fix it ๐Ÿ˜›


oh, sure. Let me set up another run


This is an example error

Oct 27, 2023 1:26:46 PM io.undertow.server.handlers.proxy.ProxyHandler handleFailure
ERROR: UT005028: Proxy request to / failed
	at io.undertow.client.http.HttpClientConnection$5.handleEvent(
	at io.undertow.client.http.HttpClientConnection$5.handleEvent(
	at org.xnio.ChannelListeners.invokeChannelListener(
	at org.xnio.StreamConnection.invokeCloseListener(
	at org.xnio.Connection.writeClosed(
	at io.undertow.protocols.ssl.UndertowSslConnection.writeClosed(
	at io.undertow.protocols.ssl.SslConduit.notifyWriteClosed(
	at io.undertow.protocols.ssl.SslConduit.closed(
	at io.undertow.protocols.ssl.SslConduit.close(
	at io.undertow.protocols.ssl.SslConduit.doUnwrap(
	at io.undertow.protocols.ssl.SslConduit.doHandshake(
	at io.undertow.protocols.ssl.SslConduit.access$900(
	at io.undertow.protocols.ssl.SslConduit$5$
	at org.xnio.nio.WorkerThread.safeRun(


hmm. nothing else?


no. I see those in the shadow-cljs dev proxy window, and the browser remains blank


I interpreted the behavior as balking at the self-signed cert, but I admit that is a guess