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I am trying the newest Platypub and I get the following error (the relevant part) => clojure.lang.ExceptionInfo: Doc wouldn't be a valid :user after transaction. {:tx-doc {:db/doc-type :user, :user/joined-at :db/now, :user/email "", :db/op :merge, :xt/id nil}, :explain {:user/joined-at ["disallowed key"]}} I thought that it was WSL but I tried on my Mac and got the same thing


without seeing your code, it seems like you’re providing xt/id in the transaction, and it’s nil. you can leave it out to get a random one


oh, sorry, looking closer: user/joined-at is probably not in your :user doc definition in schema.clj. maybe a mismatch between the version you created the app template with and the version of biff your project is depending on? sorry if i’m weighing in without the facts; it’s been a minute since i updated biff in my own projects, and i’m just trying to be helpful late at night ;)


again sorry; you’re just checking out platypub from scratch?

Jacob O'Bryant06:10:12

hm yeah I'm surprised that error would show up. Is this a fresh clone, or did you just change the biff dependency in deps.edn? By the way--I'm probably going to do a complete rewrite of platypub; see currently planning to start that in december, subject to change...

Jacob O'Bryant06:10:28

might happen sooner depending on how well/early my kids sleep 😉


I see, sort of - so no XTDB Dependency? Just a static site generator --


It is a fresh clone


I like new Platypub - @U7YNGKDHA mentioned directing users for my websites to Wordpress which I did and they came back and said "no way we want to send stuff to you and you can post it" So desktop is great Actually Iw as going to look into removing the authentication since I won't need it

Jacob O'Bryant15:10:54

ha... well in that case it does sound like new platypub will be a great fit. I am still confused on why you're getting that error from a fresh clone, but it might not be worth messing with old platypub at this point. (I should probably update the readme)

Jacob O'Bryant16:10:39

and yes, no xtdb dependency, it'll just store stuff on the filesystem like a normal static site generator

Jacob O'Bryant16:10:55

in the meantime you can use quickblog: platypub will be basically like that but with a gui interface and newsletter support