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hmm did something change in cursive formatting or is this related to my idea upgrade? suddenly it indents #_ comments even stranger than before as seen in this commit


I don't think anything has changed in that code for ages, I'll take a look


basically I only pressed reformat code on the file which has a bunch of #_#_ comments and indented all of them differently than before


appears to be consistent between all of them though

Rachel Westmacott10:06:08

I think this one has seemed odd to me for a while, but I'm mentioning it now. I use 'Extend|Shrink Selection' a lot and it seems odd after a string in the last position of a form. F.e. assuming | is the cursor position before and < / > defines the selection after I press Ctrl+W (Extend Selection) then I would expect to go from (foo "bar"|) to (foo <"bar">) but instead I seem to end up at <(foo "bar")> which seems inconsistent with other behaviour (i.e. if "bar" isn't a String) and also wasteful as I can get there from (foo "bar")| with Ctrl+W. Perhaps there's a good reason for it I've overlooked?


I'll check this, thanks.

Rachel Westmacott08:06:26

Also does something odd with #-style anonymous functions: Again if | is the cursor and I extend selection in (juxt #(subs % 0 4)|) then current behaviour definitely violates POLA for me.

Rachel Westmacott13:06:53

Also worth checking symbols that end in a question mark. f.e. (foo pred?|)

Rachel Westmacott13:06:01

or a ! or - - they also seem to break it. (though who in their right mind ends a symbol with a hyphen?)

Rachel Westmacott17:11:40

Still getting inconsistencies like [foo bar|] vs. [foo bar?|] . It breaks my flow when I hit things like this but I guess this isn't a high priority.


I am on Cursive 1.12.3-2021.3 and getting the cyclic dependency error in a clojurescript repl: was this only fixed for clojure?


Ugh, I hope not, I'll check.


tried restarting intellij to see if that would help - still getting the error. this is the intellij version and cursive


there is an intelij update - do i need to use the 2022.1.2 ?


Ah, no, the problem is that that bug is fixed in the current EAP series, not in 1.12.3. You can upgrade to the EAP, see here: Otherwise, I'm hoping to get a new stable build out tomorrow.


ok sweet - sorry for the noise, I just clicked the "view full release notes" in the UI and it listed that fix.


I see now, the fix is listed under the EAP build