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Leaf Garland11:06:13

clj -Sdeps '{:deps {djblue/portal {:mvn/version "0.26.0"}}}'
Portal has recently stopped working for me. I can start a new clj then require and run (portal.api/open) and a blank chrome window pops up, but no portal and no errors. I think both chrome and portal have had new releases since I last tried to launch portal.


Can't reproduce this issue locally. What os / browser versions are you using?

Leaf Garland06:06:25

Chrome 102 on latest M1 macOS.

Leaf Garland06:06:56

java 11 and 17.

Leaf Garland06:06:40

I can use the electron version of portal - so that's ok.

Leaf Garland01:07:29

@U1G869VNV Just FYI, I figured out what this was. I had installed the Portal PWA in Edge browser, this installs an app profile in the same location as Chrome but the Info.plist file has different keys. This meant that portal.runtime.browser/get-app-id-profile was returning a map with a nil value like {:app-id nil}

Leaf Garland01:07:39

I deleted the profile and everything works again.


Thanks for the info. Will improve the logic to be more careful :thumbsup:

❤️ 1
Leaf Garland02:07:24

Tested. Works as you say.