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is it just me or does the clj-kondo annotations not work with cursive anymore. I see the warnings in the log "warning: redundant let" but nothing on the code.


on intellij 2019.2.4 and cursive eap8


ah ive found it, filewatchers got somehow disabled in inspections listing, as you were


I have a problem indexing a project-local repository. The local repo is defined in my project.clj like this:

:repositories {"local" ~(str (.toURI ( "repo")))}
Intellij identifies the repo as Remote, and fails to index it (see screenshot), with the message Resource does not exist. This may not be a Cursive issue, but it used to work and with the latest versions gives the error. Any ideas? When it fails, it creates an empty .index folder in the repo/ directory of the project. As a result of this problem, Cursive doesn't prompt to generate stubs for the dependent library. The dependency is correctly resolved in the Cursive repl, and on the command line with lein repl. Cursive 1.9.0-eap8-2019.2 Intellij 2019.2.4


I remember adding support for this case, but I don’t remember the details. This has all changed at the platform level in 2019.2 so it’s probably as a result of that.


I’ll see what is needed to fix this.


Thanks, I've tried every different way of installing the jar to the project-local repo, i've tried everything i can think of in terms of specifying the local repo location in the project.clj, but it always comes up as Remote and always fails to index.


Are there any tools like for Cursive? (continuous code coverage indicator within source code buffer)


I've tried downloading the trial version of IDEA Ultimate so I could try the Coverage but it's blank in the dropdown


I've only found this issue but it's from 2013


Or is there a way to integrate lein-test-refresh + cloverage + built-in Intelij Coverage indicator?


@grierson No, Cursive doesn’t provide any good coverage integration at the moment, but I would like to provide it. I did a round of investigation a long time ago (also inspired by Wallaby, which is amazing). I think I would probably use a bytecode coverage engine rather than Cloverage since that will then also work for mixed language JVM projects, but it also has some limitations (more line-based than expression based).