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Workflow question here: When I encounter an exception raised by a spec-instrumentation failure, I typically want to immediately look at the ex-data. I know we can print the most recent exception with <leader>ve, however the ex-data is all on one line which, given the size of most spec-data failures, isn't an effective way to view the error. Right now I'm just writing and eval'ing (ex-data *e) in any buffer. Maybe this is really the easiest thing. I'd be happy to hear any other suggestions!


eval-ing (ex-data *e) sounds reasonable to me. maybe you could set up a custom mapping, so that you don't have to type it out?

💯 3

Hmm, I've never really hit this but as you say: Workflow. I'd personally end up creating my own mapping to :ConjureEval ... with some code that did what I wanted, but that's maybe a bit of a lazy excuse from me.


You could even extract that data and run it through "explain", right?


Which could be a really nice custom mapping!


(I really want to encourage custom mappings that do exactly what you want)

💯 3

Completely agree with preferring custom-mappings over adding to the conjure built-ins. It could be fun to have a conjure-wiki section of custom-mappings from other people's workflows.


Also, here's a video of a stream I did earlier! Just a little nvim config changes as well as Conjure fixes and improvements

💯 12
👏 9

I implemented auto connect on eval! It was harder than I thought!


You can see my struggle and eventually throw out one approach!

👀 3

Completely agree with preferring custom-mappings over adding to the conjure built-ins. It could be fun to have a conjure-wiki section of custom-mappings from other people's workflows.