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an example of how to set up kaocha-cljs2 with shadow and node in a fully self-contained way, this is how I set things up at the moment for nextjournal. - Add the funnel wrapper script to your repo ( this auto downloads funnel if it's not present yet. - Create a hooks file for orchestration,
(ns com.nextjournal.test.kaocha-hooks
(:require [ :as sh]
[shadow.cljs.devtools.api :as shadow-api]
[shadow.cljs.devtools.server.runtime :as shadow-runtime]
[shadow.cljs.devtools.server :as shadow-server]))
(defn spawn
"Start a process, connecting its stdout/stderr to the parent so we see what's
going on. Returns the Process object so you can call .pid, .destroy,
[& args]
(.start (doto (ProcessBuilder. args)
(defn ensure-funnel [& args]
;; If funnel is already running then this is a no-op
(sh/sh "bin/funnel" "-vv" "--daemonize")
(first args))
(defn ensure-shadow-instance [& args]
(when (nil? @shadow-runtime/instance-ref)
(loop []
(Thread/sleep 250)
(when (nil? @shadow-runtime/instance-ref)
(first args))
(defn shadow-dev-build [testable config]
(shadow-api/compile (:shadow/build testable))
(defn shadow-release-build [testable config]
(shadow-api/release (:shadow/build testable))
(defn start-node [testable config]
(assoc testable ::node-process (spawn "node" (:node/main-js testable))))
(defn kill-node [testable config]
(.destroyForcibly (::node-process testable))
- Set up your shadow-cljs build
{:target :node-test
:output-to "out/node-tests.js"
:main kaocha.cljs2.shadow-runner/start
:closure-defines {goog.debug.LOGGING_ENABLED false}
- Set up your test suite
{:id :node
:type :kaocha.type/cljs2
:node/main-js "out/node-tests.js"
:shadow/build :id-of-shadow-build
:kaocha.hooks/pre-load-test [com.nextjournal.test.kaocha-hooks/ensure-funnel
:kaocha.hooks/post-test [com.nextjournal.test.kaocha-hooks/kill-node]}
Now you can do bin/kaocha node
and it will invoke shadow for the compilation, boot up node, run the tests (via chui-remote/funnel), and kill the node process when it's done.