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Vincent Cantin07:08:00

I started a data driven, declarative web framework where data structures that look like functions are replacing the actual render functions. I am currently working on the grammar of that data structure and would be happy to get some constructive feedback about the bits I wrote down so far.


also try #code-reviews perhaps?

Vincent Cantin10:08:12

I though about that, but it's not about Clojure code.

✔️ 3
Vincent Cantin04:08:12

The design process is about to be finished. I am starting the implementation this weekend. Feedback on the design is very much welcome.


Off topic - it would be more accessible (for me) to have this info in ClojureVerse instead. As it is slack will disappear everything in a few days.

Vincent Cantin04:08:39

That's a good suggestion


O'Reilly uses animals for covers (a nice short explanation: Manning uses people with distinctive customs in dressing (an even shorter explanation: Are there other publishes that do something similar? I mean something unexpected and peculiar, so the "Head First" series doesn't count. If you were to start a publishing company or a book series, what cover theme would you use and why (assuming it would be something similar as well)?

Dan Abrams18:08:29

Doesn’t NoStarchPress usually have robots doing interesting things?

Dan Abrams19:08:09

Certainly they have a distinctive aesthetic at a minimum, even if not consistently robots.


Indeed, thanks!


Packt publishing use flowers


I would use variations on Islamic or Celtic patterning fwiw 😃


Seems like they use flowers very occasionally though. I can't find any particular pattern to their cover designs at Patterns are nice! And I don't think you could ever run out of them. :)

Travis Jungroth14:09:44

I would have every cover be a slight variation of the one before it, so it would make a giant unwieldy flipbook.


And the book series itself then could be about creating flipbooks.

Travis Jungroth14:09:53

Or different breeds of cows. It’s amazing how many there are.


At the end of the blog post, Uncle Bob mentions 'data-flow mindset', which was introduced to him by Stuart Halloway. Is there more to learn about this?

Drew Verlee18:08:14

I can't seem to open the link but i'll take a guess. To me, it's about learning the right level of communication for the problem at hand. Consider that our programming languages are made for humans to communicate with other humans. When people say clojure is more data flow/data oriented they mean that it promotes communication through datastructures (lists, hashmaps, sets, vectors) Which both let us easily write programs that write programs (macros) and communicate important common performance considerations (e.g hashmaps constant lookup). It also makes those data structures (shorter syntax) and easy to compose (they share a common interface "seq"). The result is that its very easy to communicate high level idea's about how the data flows through your system. The best place to go to learn more imo is reading the history of clojure by the author himself. I'm working through it now and its very enlightening. You should feel free to ask questions about it here.

Drew Verlee18:08:30

Java helps you put data in a easily identifable place to get and act on it. Clojure easily lets flow the data to where it needs to go. Given business data typically needs to either be persisted (e.g browser) or stored (e.g postgres) its more important for the programming language to facilitate "data flow". Which are the types of problems uncle bob tackles.


if you haven't seen , I would check that out. the talk covers how you can build a system of simple machines that you hook together. it's focused on systems in the large, but you can do similar things in the small.

👍 3

Thanks guys for the tips, today I've seen the Rich's talk (again) and some things make more sense now. In general, it seems to me to be the difference between a place and flow orientation, or Turing machine and lambda calculus in the most general sense. Don't you think? Anyway, I've found more sources on this topic and find it very interesting. Seems like a great idea for my blog.


I think this is the best talk regarding this topic