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Chris McCormick09:11:13

Is there a way to access the JS equality operator == from cljs?

Chris McCormick09:11:37

I'm just trying to check a couple of booleans. 😅 (js-in test-value (j/obj actual-value true))


Well ... this works ... not sure if it's recommendable 🙂

(let [a 42
      b 43] 
    (js* "a == b"))

Chris McCormick09:11:03

Ah beautiful. That's got to be better than what I was doing.

Chris McCormick09:11:18

I wonder if those vars will survive advanced compilation though. thinking-face


Good call ... I'd say no 😄


Even :simple renames local vars as far as I remember.


But apart from that, I'm not sure from your example what you're trying to achieve - what does the j/obj part do?

Chris McCormick10:11:59

Ah sorry, that's applied-science.js-interop and it just creates a JavaScript native object like #js .

Chris McCormick10:11:28

What I am trying to achieve is miniscule build sizes using shadow-cljs for a small piece of front-end code. Will do a blog post about this.

Chris McCormick10:11:43

At the moment my build size is 640 bytes to add a little bit of on-page interaction. I still get to use cljs syntax and tooling like shadow-cljs live reloading.


Hm, still not quite following - where does the usage of the == operator come in? I assume you need the specific js-semantics in some way, like 42 == "42" evaluating to true?

Chris McCormick10:11:58

The problem is if you use Clojure's = operator the size of the build balloons out to 94kb.

Chris McCormick10:11:18

I would prefer to do a very simple equality check on two booleans and keep the build at 630 bytes.

👍 1

Sounds like a nice goal... but then it will behave like the JS == operator... ;)


I went hunting in the cljs source to see what happens in cljs.core/=. As far as I can see it calls out to identical? which calls itself? I'm not sure I understand that ...

Chris McCormick10:11:16

What would be good is js/== or js-equals. Maybe I should submit a PR. :thinking_face:


But how would that be implemented?


Which seems to use the js* == trick ... Since it's a macro, I assume it will then survive advanced compiling? :thinking_face:


Not sure how js* is implemented, but if it emits javascript before the Google Closure compiler is invoked, I'd expect everything to work


Worth noting that you are probably looking for === and not ==. The == operator gives you automatic coercion semantics that probably have nothing to do with your described goal, while === tests for strict equality.


(coercive-= "" 0)
=> true
(coercive-= "" false)
=> true

😍 1
Chris McCormick00:11:13

@U051V5LLP ah thanks so much for this!

awesome 1
Tema Nomad10:11:41

Please help with understanding how to store/work with frontend routes if I have backend and frontend parts both in one place/repo? I try to follow Shared routes here Frontend routes here Backend routes here All is work (link clicking changes URL in browser and render corresponding view, F5 reload works, all params on the place), BUT I dont know do I write it in proper way or not? And is it normal that I have to rewrite all frontend routes on backend part (why was "reitit shared routes" needed then?)?


Anyone using the AWS CDK javascript-version from ClojureScript? Seems everything is very much class-based, which makes me think that it's workable from ClojureScript with Shadow-Cljs's defclass ... but maybe it's a bad fit?


Thought about it, but Typescript is native for AWS, comes with code-completion etc which is very handy and CDK is really all about making objects so better suited.

👍 1
Joshua Suskalo19:11:03

Is there an overview anywhere that I can use when trying to implement a new data structure in CLJS that I can use as a reference for what to implement for someone familiar with the internals of writing data structures for JVM clojure?

Joshua Suskalo19:11:18

This is exactly what I was looking for.

awesome 1