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any tuning tips for for lucene (`text-search` by attribute) query performance, I have some slow queries, but the lucene search itself is very fast and returns only a handful of results (the other part of the query has potentially huge set of data)

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it seems the planner might be confused… If I only search for the things returned by the lucene search and traverse the other stuff by reverse pull patterns, I can get the same data much faster.


as I’m building the query dynamically this is tricky


I could just do a separate lucene search and pass the found ids as an :in parameter to the other query to workaround this


Hey @U11SJ6Q0K yes this sounds like the planner getting ~confused. The other workaround is to push the lucene search clause into a subquery, which forces the desired join order (i.e. to still do everything in one big query)


there was another seeming problem with a rule invocation that was confusing the planner, apparently [(str something ":") ?something-else] doesn’t understand ?something-else is static, and it didn’t work with >= index


but I solved this case by doing a separate query and just passing a set of indexes that constrain one term in the larger query

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