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@nathanmarz Some people have asked me about clj-kondo configuration for specter, which is documented here: There is a way to package this config with the library so when people use clj-kondo or clojure-lsp and have specter on their project's classpath they will automatically receive this config and linting automatically works. Last time I asked about this your concern was that the artifact would become bigger. I'm not sure if we understood each other well then, but it's just about including this one edn file in resources/... . It's now also possible to have this configuration in a third party library and all people have to do is to include that extra library. It's one extra step, which is less convenient, but doable. Is your preference still to keep the config out of the library? If so, we'll continue with the third party library. cc @ericdallo (clojure-lsp). Thanks.