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Hello my use case is I want to start some long running process on the server and signal the client with something like "pending" to say "retry the same request later and you get a result". Then I want to hold on to the result for a few minutes or something


(def result-cache
  "request -> result-promise channel."
  (atom {}))

(defn send*
  "Call `f` with `r` on a thread.
  Assoc a result promise-chan on `a` (an atom).
  Dissoc the result 5min after completion."
  [a r f]
  (let [prom (a/promise-chan)]
      (let [result (try (f r) (catch Throwable t {:error (ex-data t)}))]
        (a/>!! prom result))
        (a/<! (a/timeout (* 1000 60 5)))
        (swap! a dissoc r)))
    (swap! a assoc r prom)))

(defn poll-result!
  "Returns the current result of the result promise.
  [request f]
  (let [prom
        (@result-cache request)
        result (when prom (a/poll! prom))]
      result result
      prom :running
        (send* result-cache request f)