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Ah so it's like... an internal subsciber?


yep. what inputs are you about to use


it kinda looks like a little ear 👂 :<- for listening


That's.. one way to remember that


Hi, I have a cljs macro question/issue. I have some macro code that generates re-frame subscriptions based on a mini-DSL. I think I’ve followed all the guidance for them. The macro is in a separate namespace, and in a .cljc, etc. I need to have the macro execute when the file loads so I have an inline call to it in the file where it’s included. It seemed to be working at one point but now it doesn’t seem to get called at all, and I can’t figure out why

;;; macros.cljc  
(defn gen-calc-sub
  [calcs [field [calc args]]]
  (print "creating sub for: " field)
     (fn [_# _#]
       ~(mapv (fn [arg] (if (calcs arg)
                          `(rf/subscribe [~arg])
                          `(rf/subscribe [:form/cur-field ~arg]))) args))
     (fn [args#]
       (calc/run-calc ~calc args#))))

(defmacro gen-calc-subs
  (print "creating subs for: " calcs)
  (let [calc-fields (set (map first calcs))                 ;for quick membership test
    `(do ~@(map #(gen-calc-sub calc-fields %) calcs))))  

;;; file where it's used
  (:require-macros [....macros :as fm]))
;;; invocation
(fm/gen-calc-subs {:sf425/cash-on-hand
                [:calc/subtract [:sf425/cash-received :sf425/cash-disbursed]]  })
I’ve done something similar in Clojure with no problems, so I guess I’m missing some other CLJS specific thing. I’ve checked the expansion in the CLJS and CLJ repls, and I’m getting the expected output in both places


Just the obvious question first: are you 100% sure this needs to be a macro? 🙂


Lol hmm good point


Gonna be pretty annoyed with myself if it doesn't lol


The answer was no 10 out of the 10 last times I asked myself that 🙂


yeah, ok, hmm, i need to call reg-sub with functions that i need to create programmattically so i kind of think i do


now the base sub is just a vector, so might work, maybe, but env then it’s a vectory of function calls that shouldn’t be eval’ed at that point


it seems macroish


but will play around with it


Yeah, if you need to postpone evaluation, then you're stuck. Don't know much about your problem, unfortunately


yeah it’s frustrating, I was so close to a nice generic solution lol I’d written this crazy chunk of code that would fire off new events if fields that computed fields depended on changed, etc. Then, I just happened to re-read the re-frame docs, I’d kind of blasted through them when I first started playing with it, and realized I pretty much totally missed level 3 subs lol. So replaced like 50 lines of code with that macro


now just need it to work lol


Well, at least you're learning :)


yeah i’d been doing more server side clojure


it’s weird how you get used to all of the stuff yo udon’t have to deal with


I’m trying to push a full stack clojure(script), datomic, kafka, microservice solution for one of my projects


so i’m building out prototypes for a slice of functionality


in 3 different stacks, pure java/react/lagom, then isomorphic kotlin with react on the client and both lagom and axon, vs the clojure stack


the amount of code i’m having to write, even with frameworks that provide a lot of plumbing.. is pretty annoying lol


Wow, that's impressive. I love doing full stack clojure, have also tried java/react.


Hey @eoliphant, Did you find the solution to your problem? I have faced a similar issue when I tried Macros in cljs a few days back. I am wondering if its some kind of config (clj->cljs) issue.


No I didn’t 😞 It’s annoying the hell out of me lol. Although, thanks to good o’ homoiconicity, I just ran the macro in the REPL, and pasted the code in for now. But I want to get that working as I want to pull this stuff out into a general library


oh and there was another bizarre thing I didn’t mention. There was a weird lapse in referential transparency lol The macro took a map that was basically a little calculation DSL for form fields {:my-field [:sum [:field :field2]) so I had

(def calcs {:my-field [:sum [:field :field2]))
(re-frame-sub-generator-macro calcs)
was blowing up and saying calcs wasn’t defined 😞 I didn’t even dig into that and just put the map directly into the call


haha...yeah, in fact I also just pasted the results (for now) to test the system I was building.


yeah, it’s frustrating, I really need this to work lol


tried upgrading to 1.10.x just for giggles. That didn’t help


@eoliphant ... works in CLJS repl ? o.O


I’m trying to use a NPM module ( in my project, but I can’t quite figure out how to get it working. Initially, I just added :npm-deps {"react-syntax-highlighter" "7.0.2"} to my cljsbuild :compiler config. This caused figwheel to fail with Error: Cannot find module '@cljs-oss/module-deps'. I eventually figure out that I had to run npm install @cljs-oss/module-deps, which fixed the error. Is there a better way to do this? Anyway, I’ve since been trying to import the code, but none seem to work. AFAICT I’m supposed to be able to just do (:require [react-syntax-highlighter]), but that gives me a “No such namespace” error. So does pretty much everything else I’ve tried. (FWIW I have verified that node_modules/react-syntax-highlighter exists). What am I missing here?


@wombawomba I’m curious, did you have :install-deps true set as a compiler option?


I did not… will try with that enabled and see how it goes 🙂 I guess I did npm install react-syntax-highlighter to get it in place


I still seem to get No such namespace; react-syntax-highlighter, even with :install-deps true enabled


@wombawomba Note: the npm-deps feature will run the npm module through advanced compilation, which may or may not work with the library you want to use. If you are going to use a lot of npm libraries, you will probably be happier with shadow-cljs or using webpack.


That’s good to know, thanks! For now, I only want this specific package, so I’d like to see if I can get npm-deps working. Otherwise I’ll definitely try one of those approaches.


From my description above, do you think the advanced compilation is likely to be the culprit, or is it possible that I missed something?


I don’t think that’s the issue. Advanced compilation issues are usually something like “b.c is undefined” or some kind of reference to a name-mangled symbol


Got it. Thanks


@soya yes it seems to work in the repl


ive got some code to generate a largeish (a few mbs) data structure from a text file; id like to pregenerate this data structure and then distribute it with the rest of the cljs code to live in memory on the client. whats the best way of going about this?


What’s the purpose of the data structure, is it a javascript object, or is it used as clojure data?


I have a silly little app that uses hiccup for generating html. I’d like to do this in ClojureScript, since it’s going to be in AWS lambda. I’m looking at a few forks of hiccup that promise to work with Cljs but they’re pretty old. Another strategy would be to do it in React, but it seems like a detour to first generate dom elements and then render them to a string. Any thoughts?


I use for now, but it’s old and some things from hiccup are not supported. from it’s not clear if cljs will be supported by hiccup


the data structure is for use as clojure data... eg its representing a tree and so is queried by clojurescript functions.


Yes, mine is the same, I have cljc function generating the data structures and with either hiccup or hiccups I turn them intro a string


Hey everyone! I have a question about stacktraces within nodejs targets. With :optimizations set to :simple I can’t make cljs files appear in them. My assumption is that sourcemaps aren’t used for some reason. I’ve made a simple demo here Any ideas and feedback are welcome!


It looks like clojurescript defines the cljs.spec.alpha namespace across two files: alpha.cljs and alpha.cljc. Is there a defined order those files are read in? Can they not reference each other at all? I made a toy project with a .cljc, .cljs, and .clj all with the same name and namespace which, on requireing it in a clojure repl, gave me access to stuff from the .clj file but not the .cljc file


.cljc will be searched only if .clj or .cljs are not found (depending on the env, of course). (AFAIK)


How does it work in cljs.spec.alpha, then?


My guess is that .cljc only contains specs for macros? Since macros are expanded in Clojure, not CLJS.


(Note, I don’t have first-hand experience here, just I’ve seen this pattern a lot in the channel)


Aha! It's the reverse, in fact—the .cljc file (mostly) only contains macros for specs, and the .cljs file's ns form :refer-macross "itself" to "get" them


Thanks for the help! I'm almost entirely a clj dev but I'm trying to make a library cross-platform


Hah, I’m not even a clj dev (…yet) — just been reading a lot 🙂 — note, I think recent CLJS added some :require sugar so you might not need to do :refer-macros any more — need to search for this.


It looks like require('source-map-support').install(); isn't emitted with :target nodejs and simple optimizations with clojurescript 1.10.238 (it is emitted with "optimzations none"). You can enable sourcemaps by adding (.install (js/require "source-map-support")) to your code. Is this the expected behavior?


I’ll try it now, thank you!


Works very well in the project too. Thank you!




This is with cljsbuild


oh, that is suprising a bit, I have noticed the same but I thought "it was just me"


@richiardiandrea yeah not having used the node target before I'm not sure if my expectation — that the "source-map-support" shim should be included automatically — is correct


not sure either, would wait for someone like David to answer, I now do what you did above in my lumo code


Just tried it with cljs.main and it seems to work there. Maybe a lein cljsbuild issue?


Soo I’d like to do this

(let [{:user/keys [id :as user-id]} user
       {:company/keys [id]} company]
[user-id id])


What do user and company look like in this scenario?


Assuming I have your use case right, you could do

(let [{{user-id :id} :user/keys} user
      {{id :id} :company/keys} company]
  [user-id id])


[jim@goliath ~]$ lumo
Lumo 1.8.0
ClojureScript 1.9.946
Node.js v9.2.0
 Docs: (doc function-name-here)
       (find-doc "part-of-name-here")
 Source: (source function-name-here)
 Exit: Control+D or :cljs/quit or exit

cljs.user=> (let [user {:user/keys {:id 56}}
       #_=>       company {:company/keys {:id 28}}
       #_=>       {{user-id :id} :user/keys} user
       #_=> {{id :id} :company/keys} company]
       #_=>   [user-id id])
[56 28]

replied to a thread:Hi, I have a cljs macro question/issue. I have some macro code that generates re-frame subscriptions based on a mini-DSL. I think I’ve followed all the guidance for them. The macro is in a separate namespace, and in a .cljc, etc. I need to have the macro execute when the file loads so I have an inline call to it in the file where it’s included. It seemed to be working at one point but now it doesn’t seem to get called at all, and I can’t figure out why ;;; macros.cljc (defn gen-calc-sub [calcs [field [calc args]]] (print "creating sub for: " field) `(rf/reg-sub ~field (fn [_# _#] ~(mapv (fn [arg] (if (calcs arg) `(rf/subscribe [~arg]) `(rf/subscribe [:form/cur-field ~arg]))) args)) (fn [args#] (calc/run-calc ~calc args#)))) (defmacro gen-calc-subs [calcs] (print "creating subs for: " calcs) (let [calc-fields (set (map first calcs)) ;for quick membership test ] `(do ~@(map #(gen-calc-sub calc-fields %) calcs)))) ;;; file where it's used (ns ... (:require-macros [....macros :as fm])) ... ;;; invocation (fm/gen-calc-subs {:sf425/cash-on-hand [:calc/subtract [:sf425/cash-received :sf425/cash-disbursed]] }) I’ve done something similar in Clojure with no problems, so I guess I’m missing some other CLJS specific thing. I’ve checked the expansion in the CLJS and CLJ repls, and I’m getting the expected output in both places

oh and there was another bizarre thing I didn’t mention. There was a weird lapse in referential transparency lol The macro took a map that was basically a little calculation DSL for form fields {:my-field [:sum [:field :field2]) so I had

(def calcs {:my-field [:sum [:field :field2]))
(re-frame-sub-generator-macro calcs)
was blowing up and saying calcs wasn’t defined 😞 I didn’t even dig into that and just put the map directly into the call