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@dennisa Yes, there’s a page on the boot wiki about it, it’s still a little rough currently:
@miikka I’ll try to reproduce that, because I’ve used spec a bit and that definitely worked for me.
@mfikes Yes, Cursive does support that, although all that code is complicated and messy now so I’m totally willing to believe there’s a bug there.
@sandbags Unfortunately the answer is still no better than this:
@cfleming righto. i wanted to check it wasn’t a bug. My project was not so big that manually fixing things up was a pain. Thanks for the answer.
how can I control which profiles are used for stub generation?
@cfleming i don't seem to be able to complete purchase on a license, I click through and get a spinner that never goes away. I am a filthy freeloader so you don't need to worry about broken payment although if it's not local to me it might affect someone buying a commercial license. It might also be an idea to add a warning that the license is going to expire.
@sandbags Yeah, that happens sometimes, it seems to be an AWS lambda thing. Trying again nearly always fixes it.
@joelsanchez So I don’t think you can at the moment. What are you trying to achieve?
our project doesn't require React deps by default (it needs a profile for that) and stub generation fails because of this
Ok, check the lein toolwindow (View->Tool Windows->Leiningen), open the Profiles tree entry, select the profile you need and then refresh.
That should add React as a dep to the project, and then the stubs generation should work.
I’m curious why it fails without React though, I can’t think of anything which should cause that.
it's a very large monster 🙂
@cfleming i've given it three tries now and it always seems to get stuck with the spinner right after picking my country.
omg stub generation has worked now 😍 thanks so much
okay all JS loading related errors are happening when the paddle popup first appears (i.e. before I enter any data)
Not sure sorry, they may be having issues but they’re quite JS-env sensitive too. I really hate that they have all that crap in there, I’d change provider to one with less tracking if I could.
have you tried going through it yourself just to make sure it's not an issue local to me?
another question, it looks like "going to definition" with qualified kws only works with some things but not in general (works with re-frame and spec but not in another thing of ours which looks like re-frame) is this intended? can we do anything?
@joelsanchez Yes, Cursive only knows about some forms. Are your forms re-frame wrappers or something similar?
we have a large Om project and we developed "re-om", which adds a re-frame-like API to Om
Okay I have the answer. I use GasMask to have my DNS track a list of spam/attack servers and autoblock them
we can't make Cursive recognize our forms, right? maybe after it's out there (we plan to do so) you can add the forms?
@sandbags Yeah, they include New Relic I think. My browser doesn’t even let me open to see what it does 😞
I’m sure they’ve joined the pond scum race to the bottom that is the modern internet 🙂
Could be. Have my license & once again thank you for making and releasing Cursive in a way a hobbyist can use! 🙂
@joelsanchez If your forms look just like re-frame, you could use the “resolve as…” functionality for your forms to make Cursive think they work like the re-frame ones.
what if I add re-frame, use Resolve as, and then remove re-frame? would that trick Cursive?
😂 thank you anyway, I'll try that now
that worked perfectly, truly a "lifehack"
In my (really, extrordinarily huge) multi-module app, the "Refresh Leiningen Projects" option doesn't always appear in the command menu ... I often have to use the Leiningen tab and click the refresh button there. Any idea why?
Is it possible to wire aligning let bindings, map key/vals, etc to a keystroke? I don’t want them aligned everywhere, just some places. 🙂