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I have an HTML form, with a dropdown <select>. The options are CLJS keywords, and then I’ll send the selected keyword to the server, via transit
which would be fine, but the keywords are namespaced, so I can’t just (keyword “foo/bar”)
You can attach object-value properties to DOM objects, but the native parts of the DOM will ignore those properties.
One reason being -- select fields were originally meant to submit stringy data back via a form.
I've built this site in ClojureScript + Clojure:
@borkdude: I did not understand everything 😉 but you did a great job !
regarding re-com - is allowing only as input for datepicker's 'model' intentional? or was overlooked?
@gonzih: but I'm probably going with when I do need it
@borkdude: I see. prerender looks like a lazy solution with big overhead you can do that yourself just using some js engine.
lazy is good . We’ve rolled out our own in a project. I don’t think it was worth it. It is another thing you need to maintain.
@roberto I also have my own implementation of server side rendering in production, did not touch it for weeks, just works. So I guess it depends.
So, I've noticed that a large React/CLJS app performs much worse when the Chrome dev tools are open. My app performs acceptably when they're closed, but unusably slow when they're open. It's annoying to keep popping them open and closed, to say the least. Any ideas on what causes that, or how to disable the specific feature causing slowdown? Or is it just me?
I've noticed this with a large js app as well; I don't think it's just you. No idea as to the exact cause, though.
@luke: @bhagany @martinklepsch was experiencing this due to huge source map inlining in a JS app, splitting the source map file into a separate file solved the problem for me
I think it may depend on what tabs you actually use (definitely true in FireFox), probably worth looking at the timeline view to see what's going on as well.
@luke: it's not slowing down for me, but I'm not sure if an app with ~2500 lines of ClojureScript counts as "large" (the total :advanced JavaScript is about 1MB).
Maybe I should take back what I said earlier. I experience this kind of lagginess even with small apps when opening dev tools. I think some of it might have been due to extensive logging. Also I have a somewhat slower computer and bazillions of tabs.
@luke devtools slow things down for me as well but usually only while loading the page. :none plus sourcemaps lead to a whole bunch of files loaded on startup. So if you require a whole lot of files it sometimes takes a while.
more guests
ha-ha, 2 guests only -
just wanted to hype @bostonou ’s blog here a bit - great resource even if you’ve been doing ClojureScript a while
@dnolen: If I require EventType instead of import it, then it still works for me. Is that just accidental? And I should not rely on it?
Then I'm going back to fixing my code properly . I was really confused since I ended up using require instead of import since it stopped working... Now I understand it was because I used
@rauh: your conversation is exactly why I wrote the post. :) I had code working too, but was never sure if it was correct.
Added a blurb about /
Can anyone share their settings for producing sourcemaps with advanced optimisations?
@danielcompton: you just name a file with the same parent directory as the final js
@bostonou: Sometimes I feel like it would be nice to have a ClojureScript portion of the Wiki that acts as a specification for all of this stuff. So far specifying the delta relative to Clojure seems more succinct, though.
@dnolen: is this the correct URL in the generated JS for this config?
{:output-to "release/todo_reframe_rethink.js"
:output-dir "release/artifacts"
:optimizations :advanced
:verbose true
:source-map-path "js/"
:source-map "release/"})
@mfikes: yeah i think we need a specification. the official cljs site can't come soon enough
@danielcompton: Looks like it needs to be a file, not a directory.
@danielcompton: why are you supplying :source-map-path
it's fun having a blog that is actually useful, but an official source that can be kept up by the community is better. especially for specification type stuff
@danielcompton: Sorry… read that same keyword David just asked about….
I thought I needed that to resolve the relative URL on the server
@danielcompton: you only need that if you want to do something unusual
ahh, got it
@bostonou: not sure if anything official will happen around that any time soon. The wiki will have to suffice for the foreseeable future.
updating is a pain in the butt
@dnolen yeah, i understand. given that i haven't done anything towards the official site, certainly not throwing stones
even so I also think @shaunlebron’s et al project is probably a better direction, they have more good ideas than anything we would provide even if we did something.
I suspect if we ever put anything out there it would just be a pretty landing page w/ a few tutorials and lots of links elsewhere.
i think we're on the same page @dnolen. i was referring to @shaunlebron 's stuff when i said "official"
@dnolen: keep sharing your insights into the workings and rationale and we'll make sure it gets documented.
What does everyone think of web assembly?
@grounded_sage: years before it matters for ClojureScript
@dnolen: will be years before I consider myself a really good programmer. So that is why I ask :) the fact that the dominate browser vendors actually agree on something is a huge leap lol