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With Figwheel running in terminal and Cider REPL in emacs, println from REPL are printing in terminal ... anyone know how to get these directed to Cider?
im not sure that helps at all if you’re inserting them for debug statements though, @rcecchino
rcecchino: so what happens is that when CIDER evaluates code snippets it binds *out*
to a buffered writer which prints back over nREPL to emacs. If you want to capture printing to nREPL you'll need to do something like (set! *out* *out*)
which seems silly but will set the root binding of *out*
to the currently bound value of *out*
being the nREPL printer.
or at least that should work. I've done similar *out*
capturing stuff in nREPL before...
fyi there's a console-print function in ns figwheel.client that is printing to CLJS repl in Emacs
hi, every one. How to specify location of java source code of a dependency for cider? sometimes, I want to see java source code, such as clojure.
there’s a task to automate this process
with this syntax:
seems there is a bug for clojure itself anyway:
@borkdude just re-eval the expression w/ C-M-x. That removes the "instrumentation".
Does Cider debugging work in cljs?
is there a documented way to start nrepl from an app with both the cider handler and the refactor-nrepl middleware available?
i.e. what do I need to add to this: to bring in the refactor-nrepl middleware as well?
this is what cider-nrepl lein plugin is doing to set up middleware:
gtrak: I’m starting an embedded repl, I don’t think the lein plugin has any effect on that
basically when I call tools.nrepl’s start-server, I need a single handler to pass to it
cider’s handler does not include the refactor-nrepl’s middleware, so I’m trying to figure out the right incantation to wrap the handler with refactor-nrepl’s middleware as well
actually, what you said might help, though - I can do the same thing that cider-nrepl-handler does, and just add the refactor-nrepl middleware in the call to tools.nrepl’s default-handler
cider-nrepl's handler is just calling nrepl's default handler with the middleware:
yeah that’s what I was looking at, just figuring out how to add a single middleware properly
wrap-refactor: should be able to just take cider-nrepl’s handler as an argument, and return the proper handler