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Does Clojure have a library for "generalized regular expressions" standard regular expression: input = string (pretend its a vector of chars) regex = option ?, repeat *, atleast-one +, way to specify single char / set of chars generalized regular expression: input = vector of arbitrary clojure data regex = option ?, repeat *, atleats-one +, predicates ... that given an element, returns true/fase, indicating whether it's 'in the set' or not is there any library for this?
why do you say spec kind of does that? spec internally uses parsing with derivatives which can parse context free languages which are a super set of regular languages
There might be something like that out there that may be more performance-optimized than spec's current implementation. Certainly I have heard of such things in languages other than Clojure.
I don't know how optimized the implementation is, but Racket has something like this:
Maybe core.match does this? I haven't used it myself.
The older Java versions, pre 7u6, effectively gave you the choice between reference or copy, by substring always creating a reference, and String constructor allowing you to manually create a copy, if you knew you wanted one. With newer versions of Java, they changed the default, and without a library implementation that works via references you can't get the reference behavior. I suspect they did a lot of performance-testing on real applications before making such an implementation change.
@qqq considered using instaparse ?
Or are you writing a parser to get experience writing parsers?
I asked before, then lost the response. Are the clojure d videos up somewhere?
instaparse only supports strings; I think he was asking about what spec currently does
@tbaldridge: yeah, what @aengelberg said: I want things that can do "regex" over arbitrary data, instead of just strings
one of these days I really should finish my implementation of OMeta in Clojure
That sounds like what you're looking for, a generalized parsing system for both strings, and sequences of stuff
I believe OMeta was from this lab:
But yeah, you should finish your OMeta in Clojure project. I feel like 90% of my clojure needs can be solved by "if only @tbaldridge finished those projects ...."
Last I worked on it was before spec existed. I think there's a lot of overlap there. OMeta is a bit like a DSL for spec and conform with polymorphism added is confusing me. Is OMeta a Turing-Complete language, or is it on the same laevel as regex/cfg ?
I recall reading somewhere that due to some design decision, Clojure runs into problems if one has top-level files, i.e.
-> (ns a)
results in problems
can anyone point me at the article I'm referring to?
That will work fine, but it’s not recommended as you have not included any namespace qualification and will be potentially colliding with every other user creating a namespace a
. Rather, Clojure follows the Java recommendation of starting your package with a reverse DNS of a domain you control or a trademarked name or some other thing that has a chance of disambiguating your code across all the other code in the world.
there’s a gotcha also if you use defrecord, defprotocol, gen-class etc. because that creates classes in the default package which is poorly behaved on the jvm right?
or are clojure’s classes exempt from those problems?
eg. class loading problems if two deftypes both use the default package…
I just tried, using deftype and gen-class with namespaces producing items in the default package and yeah it works (likely would have caused problems if I tried to use import though)
It’s not so much Clojure, as it is the JVM
I don’t think that’s a fully valid package name
it’s totally fine (just not recommended) - see my comment on prior message
@tbaldridge @aenachronism me too 🙂 and preferably regex builders rather than using the old-school regex language, which is horrible for maintaining code written in it IMO
Hi, I want to get the meta data attached to a function var without knowing the name of the function var at compile time, I tried to do this:
user=> (defn ^::a-meta ttt [])
user=> #'ttt
user=> (meta ttt)
user=> (meta #'ttt)
{:user/a-meta true, :arglists ([]), :line 11, :column 1, :file "NO_SOURCE_PATH", :name ttt, :ns #object[clojure.lang.Namespace 0x52d645b1 "user"]}
user=> (meta #'(symbol "ttt"))
CompilerException java.lang.ClassCastException: clojure.lang.PersistentList cannot be cast to clojure.lang.Symbol, compiling:(NO_SOURCE_PATH:15:1)
It failed because the #'
is a reader macro. If the function name is defined at runtime, are there any ways to get a function's meta data?true, ns-resolve
is what you want:
@val_waeselynck coolest stuff thanks!
1. most if ...
I write are atleast three lines: one for condition, one for then, one for else branch
2. C has test ? true : false
3. does clojure have a nice macro for that ?
Is there any standard file reader transducer? Something that can be used to stream-read from a file, that can be used within a transducing process? (meaning e.g. composed with other transducers) (edited) Or should I work up a transducer around lazy file reading myself, i.e. from something like this?
(defn text-file-reader [filepath reader]
[file-reader (reader filepath)]
(line-seq file-reader)))
(empty? 23) throws an exception is there a wa to say: (and (.... is a collection) (empty? ...))
Adding to my transduction question three hops above 🙂 is there a core library test function for a newly-written transducer "playing by the rules"? (the rules as per " Transducers")
given something like
(def myv [:a :c :b])
(def mym {:a :anew})
I need a function to simply do the replacement and get
(:c :b :anew)
(the order doesn't matter)something like this works but it's a bit insane (keys (clojure.set/rename-keys (zipmap myv (range 3)) mym))
any better alternatives?
ah nice can't use it in this project though
we have medley
at least
but not sure it helps in this case
user=> (def myv [:a :c :b])
user=> (def mym {:a :anew})
user=> (replace mym myv)
[:anew :c :b]
well we have to agree on which to add, and it was agreed not to add specter
ah nice yes replace is what I needed 😄
it becomes less scary when you read the List of Macros and List of Navigation on the wiki
and similar thing (still without Specter), from
{:a 1
:b 2}
{:a inc}
I want to map to the values but depending on the key, so
{:a 2
:b 2}
in this casethere is map-values
in medley but it's not quite the same
I could split the map many submaps, apply the transformations and merge them all maybe
this works for example
(into {}
(for [[k v] (seq mm)]
[k ((k tr identity) v)]))
but other suggetions welcomeuser=> (def a {:a 1 :b 2})
user=> (def b {:a inc})
user=> (reduce-kv update a b)
{:a 2, :b 2}
nice another point for @bronsa 👍
and last one, from
(def m {:a 1 :b 2})
(def order [:b :a])
to [2 1]
?I just did
(for [f fields]
(f m))
mm can just do (map #(% {:a 1 :b 2}) [:b :a])
@mpenet got it
(defmacro ex-nil "Return nil if body throws an Exception"
[& body] `(try ~@body (catch Exception ex#)))
a bit late to the game but finally got time to take a look at scope-capture - really cool and extremely useful, can definitely see myself using this going forward
is someone familiar with clj-time ? Why is this not valid
(f/parse-local (f/formatter "EEE MMM dd HH:mm:ss yyyy z") "Thu Apr 24 10:27:52 2014 CEST") => Invalid Format: is malformed at "CEST"
OK ... apparently, joda time cannot parse 'z' zone name
doesn't solve the abbreviated "CEST" parsing, but there is
@mbjarland thanks for the help, I think there is no answer to deal with the text timezone properly
so this is the "hack" I found:
(def CERT_DATE_PARSER (comp (fn [x] (f/parse (f/formatter "EEE MMM dd HH:mm:ss yyyy") x))
(fn [x] (str/replace x #"(\w+ \w+ \d+ [0-9:]+) (\w+) (\d+)" "$1 $3"))))
just wrote something to set the time zone on the formatter, but 1. CEST is not one of the ids and 2. if you get the time as a string it doesn't exactly solve your problem
(def fmt (.withZone (f/formatter "EEE MMM dd HH:mm:ss yyyy") (org.joda.time.DateTimeZone/forID "Europe/Paris")))
(f/parse-local fmt "Thu Apr 24 10:27:52 2014")
works, but like I said, no CEST@fmind you always have SimpleDateFormat:
(.parse (java.text.SimpleDateFormat. "EEE MMM dd HH:mm:ss yyyy zzz") "Thu Apr 24 10:27:52 2014 CEST")`
@mbjarland Try asking in #cursive ? Might get a better response there
I am trying to implement a algorithm that updates objects in a list. The update function takes each object and the list itself (the other objects) as updated so far. With an imperative approach this is easy using mutability (a for loop and indexes), but what is the best approach to doing this in Clojure? I have tried a reduce, but that of course only passes the original list to the reducing function.
@mac reduce
doesn't pass the original list, it passes to function each element and result of previous function evaluation
@mac based on original message I guess map
nested in let
would work here
@ghsgd2 Yeah, I get that I meant to write the objects (maps in this case) from the original list.
could change elements in function if they're atoms or volatiles
also there's doseq
@mac can you explain a bit more about what the algorithm actually achieves?
The approach in Clojure is usually to take one step back from the (traditional) implementation and think about the problem holistically instead.
@seancorfield I can. It updates the position of planets. The new position of a planet depends on its own previous position and the position of the other planets - new position if they have already been updated and old if they have not.
@seancorfield This is the js equivalent:
(reduce-kv (fn [planets i planet] (assoc planets i (new-pos planet planets))) planets planets)
something like this(defn new-position [solar-system planet]
(defn update-solar-system [solar-system-state]
(map (partial new-position state) solar-system-state))
(def universe-time (iterate update-solar-system initial-universe))
note that in @mac's js version, each invocation of newPosition takes the updated planets map, not the original one
@bronsa @dpsutton agreed, I though the planet object did not change after each iteration
@bronsa Yes, that is correct. This is actually what tripped me up. Planets is a vector of maps, but reduce-kv works anyway as far as I can tell.
is the traditional solution for state
+ rules for state change
=> new state
(for a given set of events -- in this case the set of planets acts as both the initial state and the set of "events" that trigger state change)
@seancorfield Yes, I was missing the idea of using planets as both the accumulator and collection over which to reduce, as mentioned by @bronsa.
since from a physics standpoint you'd like to do one pass over the planets and calculate force
although for speed probably the best thing to do is to solve for the gravitational potential on a grid and then interpolate to get forces, depending on how many planets you have
@adamvh I am, I am trying to reimplement this: in cljs.
ya, from a physics POV, that code would be better if it accumulated xpp
and ypp
in arrays
splitting hairs, probably; the errors from doing it as linked take many orbits to be visible
@adamvh I also had a sneaking suspicion that my original was actually more correct, but the constants are calibrated to work with the js version, which is quite sensitive to starting conditions since it is inserting a tiny space-ship into orbit around mars. Not that I really understand the physics very well 🙂
(def queue (agent []
:error-mode :continue
:error-handler (fn [a ex]
(l/error ex "slack agent failed"))))
Is there easy and simple way to achieve :error-mode :retry
? 🙂 Just from time to time sending messages to slack fail and I don’t want lose them.
* It can be achieve in whatever way. :retry
example was to easy describe my needs.(defn retry [f] (fn x [& args] (try (apply f args) (catch Throwable t (apply x args)))))
thx, after all I did this:
(def queue (agent []
:error-handler (fn [a ex]
(l/error ex "slack agent failed")
(restart-agent a @a))))
inside a (fn [] .... ) is there a way to "refer to self, i.e. the function being defined" -- and this is not via recur
Why are you not able to use recur?
you can name a fn (fn f [] …)
because I need to call the function two/three times, in a tree like fashion, it's not a loop
yeah, that’s why the (fn f [] ...)
syntax exists, it’s the straightforward way to do this
though if two functions need to do this mutually, letfn
exists for that purpose and no other
ah, the (fn f [] ...)
syntax gives it a name I can refer to it by; no idea howI missed it all these years; thanks!
extra bonus - when you use (fn f [] …) the name “f” will show up in a stack trace
sometimes I name my fn even if it doesn’t self call just so my stack traces will make a little more sense
it makes me want versions of partial and comp and complement and fnil etc. that take a “name” parameter too frankly
How does the keyword-as-accessor syntax actually work in the language? E.g. (:b {:a 1, :b 2})
Is this just special syntax built into the language or is there some reason why keywords can act as functions in this way?
it is not a syntax, keywords are functions
symbols, hash-maps, sets, and vectors are also functions
at one point they argued about making regexes functions too but they opted not to do that
no - I have seen discussion about it but forget the details
I've never seen serious discussion about it, just perennial whinging about how nice or how cool it would be if it was the case
one possible answer “pattern is a final class”!topic/clojure/LiWT7NIJOdQ
@chris right when I say “is a function” about clojure that means “implements IFn”
But there must be something special about them because there are an infinite number of them and they spring forth whenever you use them
@Justin how’s that different from fn?
but symbols can have metadata so they do something different about the interning right?
I previously just thought of them as identifiers that had some concrete unique representation that allowed them to be used as keys in a map. But then they can also be used in the first position in a list (which I think of as “function” position but I’m sure it has a more precise name). I suppose the point is that they are instantiated as lookup functions the moment the reader sees them and the reference to that lookup function is what is used as a key?
@Justin also, regarding “allowed to use them as keys in a map” that’s true of literally any value in clojure
as an aside
any object on the jvm that doesn't replace Object's hashCode and equals with methods that throw execeptions
ahh right- you can use a mutable thing as a key, but if the mutation changes the hash or equality you will have a bad time haha
@noisesmith Right that was phrased awkwardly. Keywords are a little interesting because unlike something like a let binding or a formal parameter, what you call the keyword actually changes something in memory. I guess that’s no different from a string literal but it has always felt unusual to me because a keyword looks like a formal name rather than data.
Thanks yea that’s important to remember. Because to my C/C++/JS mind they look like names.
(in fact they are listed under data_structures on,
apart from reader macros, there's no labels or language syntax that's not reified as a value
let bindings are sneaky to find, and even sneakier to do anything with as data haha but yeah
Beyond the (keys &env)
I wouldn’t really consider let-bindings to be “reified” (officially) in clj
right - but that snippet proves they are reified
you are reading compiler state using the macro and generating code to reproduce it at runtime
oh… that is different OK
what bronsa meant is (let [a 1] a)
is not "syntax" as such, it is a list containing a symbol, a vector, and another symbol
user=> ((fn [x] ((x {:a {:a 1}}) x)) :a)
might be interesting to puzzle out when learning about keywordsanyone know why
is a valid keyword but :foo/1
is not?( or maybe they’re both invalid and :1 just happens to work? ) - yeah my “read” of this is that :1 is illegal but accidentally works in some cases
maybe a strict reading of that reference would also imply :
is bad, and keywords of that form are used in core libs (and it’s neither here nor there but the reader does accept them)
it was unsettling to see that being used on purprose
If an implementation doesn't stop you, someone somewhere will do it. 🙂
there is a lot of background on this - the regex for keywords in the reader is actually wrong, which is why it works
we “fixed” it in 1.6 and found out it broke a lot of existing code
so we unfixed it
Taking advantage of such behavior does put you at some kind of risk of a future version of Clojure reserving characters for other purposes, and now either you update your application or don't run it or its data with that version of Clojure. Given sensitivity to backwards compatibility by core team, I doubt they would break such things for fun.
I’d say at this point that there is no chance we will take that away
we did break it, and it wasn’t fun
I notice one can now override *reader-resolver*
in Clojure 1.9. Has anyone tried this? What scenarios is it useful for?
If I wanted to write a utility that overrode *reader-resolver*
to do cool stuff, I would have to alter-var-root
it rather than bindings
it so that I can load code with that new reader resolver in place, right?
it’s useful if you want to have control over how namespace-sensitive things resolve (like autoresolved keywords)
Looks like I can affect the behavior of read-string
user=> (binding [*reader-resolver* (reify clojure.lang.LispReader$Resolver (resolveAlias [this sym] 'blah))] (read-string "::a/b"))
It seems to me that that's the only thing I can do with binding
Just want to make sure that's accurate
really best for programmatic reader cases where you are creating the environment (not for general code loading in the RT)
gotcha, that's what I wanted to confirm
I was hoping I could write myself a with-aliases
macro that lets me define arbitrary aliases in local scope or something
I think reading has already been done at macro time so that wouldn’t work
unless I use push-thread-bindings
and pop-thread-bindings
then I could write a defalias
macro that pushes a new *reader-resolver*
for the remainder of that file
but then I don't know when to pop it
(ns my.ns)
(defalias o other.ns)
if your push-thread-binding
gets executed from within a binding
, that binding
ill pop the wrong thing
brb forking Clojure
Am I missing something, or does Clojure not have a way to refer to a piece of code from a docstring? I’m hoping to hyperlink between namespaces when an implicit dependency exists. I’ve considered using #_ macros but that invokes a (requires) clause I’d rather avoid.
IDE stack is Cursive with a close fallback of Emacs/etc
you could use metadata
@briantrice there is no standardized docstring markup for referring to symbols.
instead of encoding it in the doc string and then having a way to parse it out
you could just be explicit with meta data (defn ^{:refers-to '} foo [] 42)
@arrdem okay! glad to know it for sure
Some authors use Markdown style backtick
blocks. I personally like to use #'foo
or #'other-ns/foo
var notation in backtick blocks in docstrings.
@smith.adriane okay that is interesting. I can do it without require, then? I’ll see whether cursive/etc pick up on it
is also a good point, thanks
the meta-data keyword is completely made up by me, so if you wanted ide support, you’d have to add it
just trying to say that this isn’t a standardized practice. just a suggestion for how you could start one if you wanted
Cursive is trying hard to resolve it, though. just failing…
hm. of course the real problem is that this is across Clojure/ClojureScript code where I can’t exactly write cljc.
maybe I will find a way to cljc it, but for now, I have to keep the people reading the code aware.
Where would I RFC on such a thing?
I’ll take it to #cursive in case it appeals…
Hey all, I'm wondering in clojure since there aren't really object methods how do I know what functions I can use on something?
For example, how do I know all the methods I can use on a channel made from core.async's (chan)?
Clojure seems to follow this philosophy:
thanks, but that doesn't really answer my question. For example, I'd expect from that philosophy to be able to do "nth", "count", "map", etc
But none of these actually work so I'm wondering what are the methods that work for chan
I'm not sure if this helps either: you can lookup all the protocols that chan implements, then look at functions that depend on those protocols
for channels specifically, most of the functions that work with channels can be found at
hey guys, is there any file reader transducer in any core library? Something that can be used to stream-read from a file, as part of a transducing process? Or should I work up a transducer around lazy file reading myself (which is what I'm about to be doing now)
@matan not sure is worth a lib, is this something useful?
@qqq I'm not really sure what you mean. How would Iook up all the protocols for channel?
@smith.adriane Those are just functions within the core.async namespace, NOT functions that I can use on a ManyToManyChannel
@reborg yes, but doesn't that snippet show a transduction that is specific to the file reader? doesn't it go against the motivation for transducers? as in being generically applicable regardless of the actual input source
@derpocious, there’s not really a great way to obtain a list of every function that takes a ManyToMany channel as it’s first argument
Do you have a specific idea about how a possible API would look like in this case? Trying to understand if there is room for improvement
@reborg thanks for having responded! I am not sure why most experts ignored, is it because they seldom write transducers or they considered the topic too basic to their taste
a couple things, 1) ManyToManyChannel is a concrete type,
and you often want to program against abstract types instead of concrete types
2) since clojure’s protocol system is open
at runtime, more protocols can be extended to work with the concrete type of ManyToManyChannel
3) in addition, anyone could write a function that takes a ManyToManyChannel as it’s first argument
or if the ManyToManyChannel was added to more protocols, then at any point, any protocol can start working with ManyToManyChannel
for most clojure functions, the types that functions expect aren’t annotated anywhere
so even if you went through every function in every namespace, there’s not typically a good way to ask if a particular function accepts a particular type
basically, clojure tends to adopt an approach that is dynamic and open which makes it more difficult to answer questions like “which functions work with the type?”
but makes a lot of other designs easier
I was under the impression that things like (take 1 (drop 40000000 (iterate inc 1)))
would take constant memory but it doesn’t appear so. Could somebody explain what exactly happens here?
@nooga, how constrained?
it’s so I have no idea, but the memory assigned there must be somewhat small
but that shoudn’t matter if my assumption that this will take constant memory is correct
I think it does take constant memory
my thinking was that iterate
will return a lazy seq, drop
will basically throw away elements as it goes and first
will just cut the remaining lazy-seq and everything will be garbage collected
that was my impression as well
the one common issue is “hanging onto the head”
for eg. (def xs (take 1 (drop 40000000 (iterate inc 1)))
sometimes the repl messes things up
since it assigns the whole sequence to *1
which means it is hanging onto the head
try (first (take 1 (drop 40000000 (iterate inc 1))))
it does
on the site
who knows what does