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hey there. I am working on a project with a number of grouped tasks and when trying to query the state of said tasks (via the onyx-peer-http-query
server), I’m not receiving anything back in the :contents
when not supplying the groups
in my query params.
I’m curious if this is expected behavior and if so, where should I go to retrieve the group-ids relevant to my tasks (something I also can’t seem to figure out, lol).
Onyx version?
We did fix an issue like that in peer-http-query in the last month or so hmm, probably not this issue
Sounds like you’re just getting empty results instead.
If you could fork http-peer-query and demonstrate the issue via, that’d be great.
K. Thanks. We may have seen something similar. Hopefully it’s easily reproducible. If not, let us know and we can dig in further
k, so it looks like when I don’t specify a groups
query param, the health test fails with the following:
FAIL in (health-test) (health_test.clj:137)
expected: (get-in (clojure.edn/read-string (:body response)) [:contents "A stealthy fo"])
actual: nil
values: (get-in
{:contents {}
:grouped? true
:window {:window/aggregation :onyx.windowing.aggregation/count
:window/id :my-window-id
:window/range [5 :minutes]
:window/storage-strategy [:incremental :ordered-log]
:window/task :my/inc
:window/type :fixed
:window/window-key :event-time}}
[:contents "A stealthy fo"])
I simply commented out this line:
Oh, I realised that it was by design (probably bad design)
just to clarify, my expectation is that if I don’t specify groups, that I should get contents for all the groups
Yeah, that’s really how it should work.
k, cool, thanks. I can fix that tonight.
How do you find the usability of that feature? I ummed and ahhed about providing a way to do it without supplying the allocation version, but I was worried that users would get at the state over an entire cluster in an inconsistent way. That said, it would make it simpler to play with.
overall its been very useful. just had a curveball with a grouped task. all of the other tasks i have aren’t, so it’s been really great to be able to query the state and see what’s going on in my windowed tasks
the params weren’t too difficult to get at either, which made it a really usable feature, imo
Great 🙂
Yeah, it’s been really nice for us too. Even if you only use it for debugging.
Can you please give onyx-peer-http-query
a try?
If it works for you I’ll release
well, unfortunately, i’d need to redeploy my onyx setup, which takes some time (and also my manager’s sign off 😄), so i’d probably need to test that in the morning.
Understood 😄
Well, let me know whenever and I’ll cut you a release.
hey @lucasbradstreet, good news. I tested out your change and it looks great! without specifying group keys I get back everything instead of nil. if I specify the groups, it still works as well. kudos! thanks so much for getting that out so quickly. :thumbsup:
Great. Thanks for the update 🙂. is going through our release process now.