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Good Morning!


anyone here use CopyQ on Linux (i3?)


I'm struggling with java-time this morning!


I have a string "2020-07-03T23:00:00.000+00:00" that I'm trying to parse into an offset-date-time, but java-time refuses to keep the +00:00, squashing it down to a Z. I know Z means the same as +00:00, but even the Java DateTimeFormatter allows you to keep the "+00:00" if you want to (and I want to!)


I think I'll have to hit the java api directly


why do you care that it's Z?


won't it come out how you want on the other side once parsed?


heh, those reasons might be met without affecting the parse stage


Actually, I think I know what I can, I hate messing with times 🙂


time is the worst


I'm trying to ensure a kotlin application, using Spring and Jackson can also work with the same data that Clojure using Cheshire can produce


and there is some quirks going on with the times 🙂


one thing that I would love to see in Cheshire, and it was raised as a bug (then closed), is to maintain the order of JSON keys. Now, I know that according to the RFC, json key ordering is not a requirement - but the majority of other libraries maintain the order of the keys in the map


it makes comparing things a lot simplier 🙂


Z is better if you're shuffling around JSON timestamps usually


I spent a good chunk of last week faffing with JS/typescript time parsing and let me tell you, at least java times have runtime errors and meticulously specified parsers


not 'I didn't understand that - you must mean now() in your system timezone'


🙂 I solved the problem. It was something I introduced a few weeks ago to make things "prettier", but that ended up storing the wrong thing in the db.

Ben Hammond10:08:18

trouble with Pandemic AND schools going back, then when your child brings a cold back from school, theres quite a long period of doubt about what you are suffering from

Ben Hammond10:08:40

however none of us have a dry cough

Ben Hammond10:08:53

or an obvously high fever

Ben Hammond10:08:13

or impared tast/smell (other than what a blocked nose brings)

Ben Hammond10:08:20

so I guess its just a heavy cold...

Ben Hammond10:08:36

annoying sore throat though


Hope you get better soon.


@U793EL04V Get tested. I’ve been tested 4 times, very easy to book, and there are test sites everywhere now. Last two times we got the results back within 24h.


sore throat is also officially recognised as a symptom now

Ben Hammond13:08:24

oh is it, I've not been keeping up


A sore throat was why I got one of those tests (negative)


How accurate are the tests over there? We have a cousin with COVID and her husband tested negative, even tho' he was clearly sick, and the wife tested positive with milder symptoms.


He caught it first -- his symptoms started August 7th -- and then her symptoms started exactly a week later. He was getting better but he's gotten worse in the last couple of days.


I would guess it doesn't cost anything to get tested in the UK (unlike here)?


Yeah it’s totally free for the anti-gen tests, the anti-body tests aren’t as widely available… Though IIRC about £80 to get a private one. I think the tests are pretty accurate; if you fall in the right window at least. I did look at the claimed false positive/negative rates and I seem to remember them being pretty high (like 95+%) but can’t recall the exact figure. I remember finding the exact test process and the official results for it too. I think the biggest risk is that you can test too early or too late for it.


Could be. Larry and Vikki both got tested at the same time and he was a week further along with his symptoms. They've been so careful about exposure (they live in rural Alaska so there's not many people to get exposed to -- they think he got it from visiting a government building about a week before his symptoms appeared). Despite BoJo's incompetence, right now I think I'd prefer to be in the UK than in the US, for the affordable healthcare 😐


Thanks for the info.

Ben Hammond16:08:41

I had an idea the accuracy was around 80%

Ben Hammond16:08:01

although I'm not sure I could lay my hands on the source of that figure

Ben Hammond16:08:37

quaranting seems to be emphasing TWO tests a few days apart

Ben Hammond16:08:03

although if you get a positive, followed by a negative you will be left uncertain...

Ben Hammond16:08:24

doing your own, or your loved one's swab must be quite a learned skill


> The RT-PCR assays used for the UK’s COVID-19 testing programme have been verified by PHE, and show over 95% sensitivity and specificity. This means that under laboratory conditions, these RT-PCR tests should never show more than 5% false positives or 5% false negatives. It goes on to discuss the operational rates: > An attempt has been made to estimate the likely false-positive rate of national COVID-19 testing programmes by examining data from published external quality assessments (EQAs) for RT-PCRassays for other RNA viruses carried out between 2004-2019 [7]. Results of 43 EQAs were examined, giving a median false positive rate of 2.3% (interquartile range 0.8-4.0%). Operational false negatives are of course much harder to assess: > The UK operational false negative rate is unknown. A recent study [6] combined results from seven studies (>1300 swab test results associated with time of disease onset) to create a model of the false negative rate for SARS-CoV-2 RT-PCR assays against time since infection. Their model suggested that in the first four days of infection (pre-symptomatic phase) the probability of a false negative in an infected person decreased from 100% on day 1 (i.e. a false negative was certain) to 67% on day 4. It then decreased to 38% on day 5 (dayof symptom onset) to a minimum of 20% on day 8 of infection (i.e. one in five people still give a false negative result despite having experienced three days of COVID-19 symptoms). The false negative rate then increased from day 9 (21%) to day 21 (66%). Point estimates and confidence intervals are shown in Figure 1 [taken from 6]. So in practice there’s quite a lot of operational error… Having taken the tests 4 times (3x self administered) I can confirm it’s pretty unpleasant and quite awkward to self administer. I very nearly threw up the last time doing the throat swab. more details in the Public Health England report: