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Good morning beautiful people. Not sure if this has been shared already, but there's currently a Humble Book Bundle for functional programming.
Wow, there's a lot of value right there @yogidevbear! Purchased ✅
Thanks @yogidevbear for the heads up! Also got my bundle. There are a couple of books I was interested in.
aarrgghhhh trying to use Spring boot with Keycloak... and it doesn't work 😠 and I think I am doing exactly the same as a different project.
Thanks @yogidevbear - very good
Last I looked it seemed to have some nice functional features, but I wonder if anyone is really using it functionally in the wild.
I know people doing things in Rust. I am not aware of any companies doing things in Rust
Yeah, they did it for performance, and got the intended benefits.
Obviously, Mozilla use it!
Oh yes, Firefox, that browser I use every day is an amalgamation of C(++) and Rust at this point 🙂
sigh, struggling to find a 1 day hot desking place in Glasgow. Found one but it is £30/d
@otfrom - In the next month or so there will be a hot-desking option in Aberfoyle for like £10 / day (I’ll be taking a permanent spot at £100 / month)… It’s only any good if your people drive, as there are only very poor public transport options to Aberfoyle, but… 😉
It was my understanding that they offer co-working space amongst their services… I may be wrong, but…
that was where we were yesterday. I liked it. Good coffee. Fast wifi. Just need a good headset that doesn't pick up background noise as the hotdesking space is essentially an open office
Hello @jonpither 🙂
Yeh, not bad thanks 🙂 Quite pleased that Black Panther is out sooner than I thought, so I am off to the movies tonight, which I was not expecting 🙂
Right, I am going to head to Leicester Square - walking from the office so I don’t feel so bad about going 😉
@dominicm what about actual lemons?
Looks like I might be getting an upgrade for work