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@shaunlebron Would you care to comment on this bit of the thread here?
ah, indenting docstrings!
i’ll think about it
yeah, I don’t like multiline strings in clojure
we have to preserve structure in front of a change, so we can’t shift multiline string indentation without breaking strings
it would be fine with docstrings
but there could be strings where that is not okay
Yeah, and the fact that the docstrings are not HTML or similar makes them a real pain to indent when displaying them.
yeah, that ship has sailed for clojure
i’ve seen new clojure-based lisps where they make indentation significant in multiline strings, seems to be a common pain point
That said, there are projects using markdown in their docstrings now, I’m planning to add an option to Cursive to display that.
@cfleming: i replied in the thread, thanks for the headsup
wish I could find that Lisp that had stricter multiline string indentation
i star too many repos
i couldn’t find a syntax guide for it
yeah, I thought it was carp, not sure though
There are quite a few now. Carp and Pixie are the ones that spring to mind, but I’m sure there are more. Oh and Hy.
it might be Hy
ha, I can’t spend anymore time tonight tracking this down
@shaunlebron is that transformChange will never return undefined?
@doglooksgood yeah, safe to say it’ll never be undefined
just guarding against bad plugin integration
I think when porting, is very important to know immutable/mutable of variables, and what will return null;
parinfer-jvm will be updated soon I think
you will be the third person this week who needs it