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there are generators for uniqueness, like gen/vector-distinct-by
; and when it has trouble finding different IDs, it increases the size
, which should be sufficient here
Is there a way to derive a spec from a spec? We have a checkout flow that in each step adds something to an order and a spec for the final order. I would like to have a spec for each step of the checkout process (ie the final spec with some keys either removed or changed from required to optional). The problem is that order is not a flat map and may itself contain maps that grow across multiple steps. I want to avoid copy&paste&modify of the end spec. Any ideas? Thanks!
Yes, you can do things like
(def label (s/and (s/spec string?) #(> (count %) 2) #(< (count %) 40)))
(s/def ::nl-label label)
(s/def ::label (s/keys :req [::nl-label]))
not sure if it helps, but that’s how I prevented a lot of copy-pastingFor specs of maps there is also merge, which seems more use-full re-reading you question
sounds like he’d need deep-merge (which doesn’t exist afaik)
Maybe I just need to understand the rationale behind why this is intentional behaviour?
Any way of overriding the generators so that different specs depend on each other? My use case is testing a function where the arguments have internal relations, i.e. argument 1 contains references to argument 2. Randomly generated arguments will not have this relation naturally.
independently, no. but in a shared context like an args list, yes - you can use combinators like fmap or bind to achieve this
hey @alexmiller still a little fuzzy here. Trying to build a generator that produces a common ::id
field as in
(defrecord Subscriber [name id])
(defrecord Subscribed [article id])
(s/def ::name string?)
(s/def ::article uuid?)
(s/def ::id uuid?)
(s/def ::Subscriber
(s/keys :req-un [::name ::id]))
(s/def ::Subscribed
(s/keys :req-un [::article ::id]))
(defn generate-subscribers
"Mock function to generate subscribers"
(gen/sample (s/gen ::Subscriber)))
(defn generate-subscribed
"Mock function to generate subscribed"
(gen/sample (s/gen ::Subscribed)))
sorry, don’t have time to reply today but recommend: as an intro
@slipset if you will flow conformed values through merge's "components" - you will hit false-positive invalidation.
(s/def :foo/a (s/or :s string? :i int?))
(s/def :m/one (s/keys :req [:foo/a]))
(s/def :m/two (s/keys :req [:foo/a]))
(s/def :m/merged (s/merge :m/one :m/two))
;; not flowing conformed value
(let [m {:foo/a 1}]
(and ;; not accurate, but illustrates the idea
(s/conform :m/one m)
(s/conform :m/two m))) ;; => #:foo{:a [:i 1]}
;; flowing conformed value
(let [m {:foo/a 1}]
(->> m
(s/conform :m/one)
(s/conform :m/two))) ;; => :clojure.spec.alpha/invalid
(I hope @alexmiller will call me on my BS, if it's crazy talk)