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So I've enjoyed my foray into zippers this week. I wanted to make a small change to a single value in ~ 100 xml files and reading / parsing / zipping xml

( ( ( "path-to-data.xml")))
worked a treat. Using zip/down, and zip/edit was also pretty easy to grok. Now I just needed to write back the file. Simple, just invoke on the zip? Yes, on simple xml. However my gpx contains xml and emit fails with
XMLStreamException Prefix cannot be null (
probably related to!topic/clojure/Um3aC_z0--4 Am I being stupid? Should I fall back to clojure.xml? How would you approach this seemingly simple task? I ask as most googling of zippers + xml return pages circa 2014 so am I just doing this an old fashioned error-prone or non-idiomatic way?


Not out of date at all, it's just that they solve a specific problem that few people have. After the hype was over, people had little left to say.


We use clojure data xml (the recent alphas), are you using that too?


Oh no, I'm using the stable org.clojure/data.xml "0.0.8" release. I'll try the alpha at lunchtime. Cheers.


That worked a treat, cheers. Now, I've just got to work out the round trip qname retrieval / setting as I want to do a similar string change in the xml, nothing more complex.

Sam H13:02:52

@U064B4L0K any recommendations on materials you found useful to understand zippers? Not looked into them at all


So, without attempting to apply namespaces, emit-str understandable generates a

ExceptionInfo Auto-generating prefixes is not supported for content-qnames. Please declare all URIs used in content qnames.  clojure.core/ex-info (core.clj:4617)
, and adding all the namespaces for
gpx xmlns:gh="" xmlns:gs="" xmlns:os="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns="" creator="OSMaps" version="1.1" xsi:schemaLocation="">
(xml/emit-str (first (edit-title (second all-files))) {:xmlns/gh "" :xmlns/gs "" :xmlns/os "" :xmlns/xsi "" :xmlns ""})
generates a
IllegalArgumentException No value supplied for key: {:xmlns/gh "", :xmlns/gs "", :xmlns/os "", :xmlns/xsi "", :xmlns ""}  clojure.lang.PersistentHashMap.create (
exception 😕


@U0DPX8ZQB The way I think about zippers is that they're about taking a data structure (e.g. {:foo {:bar 1}}) and adding a location (`[:foo]`). You can get the (value) at the current point (which would be {:bar 1}), and you can "move", so do things like (down) which would change your position to [:foo :bar] and (value) would be 1, or you could go (up) to [] and the value would be {:foo {:bar 1}}


@paulspendI don't know much about the namespacing system in, but that doesn't look like how we use it.


Ours looks more like ::gh/foobar, but I'm not certain 🙂


@U064B4L0K Oh, the API changed recently, so that's probably what you're running into.


Gotcha, I saw a sample on the readme with ‘{:xmlns/foo "’ but it was for xml, not emit-str opts!


Morning btw, how rude 😉


morning 🙂




afternoon 🙂

replied to a thread:So I've enjoyed my foray into zippers this week. I wanted to make a small change to a single value in ~ 100 xml files and reading / parsing / zipping xml ( ( (<|> "path-to-data.xml"))) worked a treat. Using zip/down, and zip/edit was also pretty easy to grok. Now I just needed to write back the file. Simple, just invoke `` on the zip? Yes, on simple xml. However my gpx contains xml and `emit` fails with XMLStreamException Prefix cannot be null ( probably related to!topic/clojure/Um3aC_z0--4 Am I being stupid? Should I fall back to clojure.xml? How would you approach this seemingly simple task? I ask as most googling of zippers + xml return pages circa 2014 so am I just doing this an old fashioned error-prone or non-idiomatic way?

So, without attempting to apply namespaces, emit-str understandable generates a

ExceptionInfo Auto-generating prefixes is not supported for content-qnames. Please declare all URIs used in content qnames.  clojure.core/ex-info (core.clj:4617)
, and adding all the namespaces for
gpx xmlns:gh="" xmlns:gs="" xmlns:os="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns="" creator="OSMaps" version="1.1" xsi:schemaLocation="">
(xml/emit-str (first (edit-title (second all-files))) {:xmlns/gh "" :xmlns/gs "" :xmlns/os "" :xmlns/xsi "" :xmlns ""})
generates a
IllegalArgumentException No value supplied for key: {:xmlns/gh "", :xmlns/gs "", :xmlns/os "", :xmlns/xsi "", :xmlns ""}  clojure.lang.PersistentHashMap.create (
exception 😕


got told today that the company i work for is going to be moving away from doing development work in March (which is fair enough). i haven't really been enjoying my work for a while now, and had recently been thinking of getting around to updating my CV and finding some new work, so i'm not too disappointed (though i will miss my colleagues) - but now i have until March to 🙂


i don't enjoy writing CVs, but guess i'll make a start on it tomorrow 😛


ouch @sundarj sorry to hear that. But keep thinking positive, the next job will be much better 🙂


@reborg thanks! i'm counting on it 😁


for now i'm watching star wars and sipping a glass of gin and fanta (we're out of tonic)