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Video of this months London Clojurians talk
Good morning ☀️
And foes 😉 Just joking ❤️
@yogidevbear I don’t have foes (I bet I do and they keep it quiet) 🙂
We had our first FP meetup in Horsham last night. I think it was a success. There were seven people there (including myself)
(@mccraigmccraig might disagree, but I hope not wink)
@yogidevbear congrats!!!
Thank you kind sir
nice one @yogidevbear 🙂 what'd you get up to?
@matttylr gave a talk on Clojure showing a simple server (using Aleph and Manifold) with a date stream and websocket, and a ClojureScript client to listen on the websocket and output the time as it updated every second. Got to watch some of the Emacs voodoo in action
no disagreement here @yogidevbear 👍
Thanks @yogidevbear for organising, it was a great night. Small beginnings and all that but there’s an opportunity to build a community in the Horsham/Sussex area. The guys that turned up were really keen to know more and we discussed several ideas for future talks.
Thanks @mccraigmccraig for helping with the discussion, much appreciated.
@maleghast go for it!
There are a number of benefits of Clojure that I think are undersold somewhat. i.e. having the same language on both client and server
I suspect Clojure is well positioned at the moment, particularly on the clojurescript front.
@matttylr - Yeah, I would have to agree on that front - certainly my own experience bears that out as well.
i.e. I’ve been able to be far more productive and reliable with Clojure + ClojureScript than with any other paradigm.
hhmmm I really like the idea of but I need a paypal account in order to contribute :thinking_face:
I am going to look at making a company contribution from my employer when we close this round of funding. We are 100% Clojure (well there’s a bit of R, but my bailliewick is 100% Clojure)
we've got a 1% to give. clojuriststogether is the leading contender (we gave to CIDER and clojurebridge last year)
Is there anybody based in Cambridge who would like to deliver a talk / workshop at a functional programming meetup? I co-organise the Cambridge NonDysFunctional Programmers Meetup. We host talks in central Cambridge (St. Andrew's Street, a 15 minute walk from the train station) every month.
It's really nice to see meetups from different areas being share here 🙂