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so from the department of This Can’t Be Happening, I speced out a reagent component with fdef and instrumented it, and now it actually calls one of the callback-handlers that is passed to the component as part of the instrumentation process. is this expected/possible? or am i misunderstanding? in the code below, the on-cancel
callback gets called 21 times if I leave the instrument call in the code
(spec/def ::name string?)
(spec/def ::class string?)
(spec/def ::type string?)
(spec/def ::*value #(instance? reagent.ratom/RAtom %))
(spec/def ::on-cancel (spec/nilable (spec/fspec :args (spec/cat))))
(spec/def ::focus? boolean?)
(spec/fdef input
:args (spec/cat
:props (spec/keys
:req-un [::type ::*value]
:opt-un [::class ::focus? ::on-cancel]))
:ret any?)
(stest/instrument `input)
fspec args are validated by gen’ing from the :args spec and invoking the function, then checking the :ret spec
some people have found this to be surprising :)
probably the easiest “fix” is to replace (spec/fspec :args (spec/cat))
here with ifn?
sometimes i suspect i’m using spec improperly. i really just want an assertion library to catch my typos
so is it ever possible/safe to use fspec with a side-effecting function? i don’t see how it could ever work unless you passed it a pure function
I would not advise it
passing a side-effecting function that is
there are ways to (for example) swap out an alternate spec when you instrument - those are optional capabilities of instrument
but I’m not sure you’re getting much value than bother out of having the fspec at that point
well I’m talking about replace, not stub, but yeah
stubbing is great for stubbing out a remote call in instrument
if I'd commit fdef + instrument-with-stub instead of actual implementation, I wonder how quickly my teammates will notice in production?
oh, pretty quick I’d guess
unless you wrote some really good generators