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csharp unity stuff: do somebody know the nature of Microsoft.Scripting.dll ? that is somehow the corlib that moved to mscorlib? I'm trying out if I can add arcadia unity to an existing project and I get errors error CS0121: The call is ambiguous between the following methods or properties: 'System.TypeExtensions.GetTypeInfo(System.Type)' and 'System.Reflection.IntrospectionExtensions.GetTypeInfo(System.Type)' maybe the dotnet runtime versions or something are just incompatible. I wonder if I can still somehow add arcadia just as a dev dependency and make it's dlls invisible to the rest of the project


made some progress by disableling auto reference for some dll s in Infrastucture/ any idea about this combination of errs?


not sure if it is all the same issue or multiple. Update hook is not a Editor folder so not sure what they mean. Maybe because I selected "editor"' as platform for the .asmdef but I selected any platform now.


the editor script issue was fixed when reimporting with unity. The withstanding issue is "cannot find clojure stackstrace" Update: I have a workaround, I need to (require '[clojure.stacktrace]) once. Don't know why.