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sweet, got vterm working in my emacs from git


anyone here have a good emacs setup that shows off a lot of evil and general?


looks like I should create a definer per mode?


I'm struggling a bit with overriding keymaps, maps just for modes, and maps for minor modes. I think I'm almost there with something working, but I feel I'm cargo culting across a few configs

Hans Conrad16:07:34

recently started my own config..and ran into issues.. so I'll be curious to look at yours.. I can share mine later..but def nothing to write home about as it is still WIP 🙂


mine is a bit of a mess compared to some of the other ones I've done:


the shared evil defaults are in here:


I'm pretty happy that I have vterm running, and the overall config is good for running in a terminal. corfu completion and docs even work in the terminal, which I'm pretty happy about

Hans Conrad16:07:28

recently got vterm running as well..i twas the last piece missing for me to switch away from using tmux and emacs terminal client...


I'm using emacs in a terminal in tmate so that I can pair program. I worry a bit about running emacs inside vterm to pair, but I've not tried it yet

Hans Conrad17:07:22

oh I see...I'm using vterm inside of my terminal apps behave correctly (things like pgcli ..didn't behave well in the regular term)

Hans Conrad17:07:05

tmate sounds interesting..haven't used it..need to look into that


yeah, I'm using vterm for running things like htop


My config uses evil and general pretty heavily

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Cora (she/her)19:07:10

other than doom emacs??


Doom felt too big to get my head around, but I might look for some inspiration there


@U01GQNJFP6U your config looks similar to the kind of thing I'm aiming for


Awesome! Yeah I tried out spacemacs and doom a bit, but wanted something...simpler I guess. My config is definitely inspired by both of those though. I recently discovered as well which seems to be going for a similarly simple approach


I've been (very) slowly working on , which is what I'm using for my own config as well

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I've been reading/watching that as well. I'm trying to create a small enough package or group of packages that can be brought into my config or my team mate's config so we can pair on clojure in a terminal running tmate, but I want to be able to put my own stuff in my own config (RSS, mastodon, org-roam, etc)


Doom/prelude/spacemacs just have too much to get my head around if I want to do something different


ah yeah thats an interesting use case for sure


I used a python package in the past that basically did that, combined and configured a bunch of packages to create a nice environment for python stuff


> Doom/prelude/spacemacs just have too much to get my head around if I want to do something different Try Doom without any "official" modules. Then you can build your own modules. Doom's core actually not that big or super complicated. But it has a good foundation for you to build your own thing. I use Doom official modules very sparingly, and whenever I add any to my config, I would always check what packages the module brings. And would remove anything I don't need. In that sense, Doom is better than Spacemacs. Spacemacs sometimes has very tight integration between its parts; and removing one thing doesn't guarantee the flawless behavior of other packages.

Cora (she/her)22:07:47

that's an interesting use of it and I can very much see how it could be done


What's called Modules in Doom, in Spacemacs they call them Layers. They are structured differently, essentially they are just collections of packages. I stopped using Spacemacs because the maintainers kept changing things in the core layers, "breaking the API". And that was quite a bit annoying. Also, as I said, Spacemacs very often has tighter integration between layers and packages, sometimes just removing a single hook may have unexpected consequences. Doom doesn't do shit like that. It doesn't try to overwhelm you with features. Spacemacs puts "too many pizzas in the oven". It feels nice at first, but then it becomes very annoying to have to keep removing stuff you didn't ask for.

Cora (she/her)22:07:48

and also debugging what went wrong in spacemacs was always a nightmare for me

Cora (she/her)22:07:00

also really dislike spacemacs config setup but maybe they've improved that since I used it last. greatly prefer doom's and not using customize

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It's important to note that just like with Doom right now, I tried to use only core of Spacemacs. I used the base, and built my own, custom layers on top. But still - it was much more than I wanted.


> debugging ... in spacemacs was always a nightmare for me I agree. Figuring out when something breaks in Doom is a lot simpler process.


also, Doom adds very nice macros like map! add-hooks! defadvice!, cmd!, etc. Sometimes, I feel those macros should be added to core Emacs. That's how cool they are

Cora (she/her)23:07:13

the map! with mode-maps and especially evil is just so so so so nice

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Cora (she/her)23:07:23

I'm not familiar with cmd! though looks it up

Cora (she/her)23:07:15

oooooh heck yeah

Cora (she/her)23:07:26

oh and after! is nice