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It seems that I'm getting a similar issue:

Failed to deploy metadata: Could not transfer metadata mx.cider:enrich-classpath/maven-metadata.xml from/to clojars (): Access denied to: 


The same deploy script succeeded 4 days ago, and I can access from any browser Retrying CI didn't work


What version are you trying to deploy? I'm seeing edeploying non-snapshots is not allowed. See in the logs for attempts to deploy 1.11.0, which shows as deployed here:


The artifact is mx.cider/lein-enrich-classpath (note the lein part). It's a new project - returns 404 I tried a second CI build which might explain the failure you point out. However: • That doesn't explain the original failure • less importantly, I don't see redeploying non-snapshots is not allowed. in either build These are the logs of the first build that failed:


I should clarify, the same CI build intends to build three artifacts: mx.cider/enrich-classpath mx.cider/tools.deps.enrich-classpath mx.cider/lein-enrich-classpath This has worked well for a long time (even 5 days ago)


I think I debugged it. In the logs it says /bin/sh: 1: cd: can't cd to ../lein-plugin which causes the re-deploy attempt in the root dir. The failure due to redeployment appears to be hidden behind a generic (): Access denied to: message - perhaps that can be improved? Can try to repro tomorrow if it's hard for you


I wish I could improve error messages, but we don't have much recourse there, since it's all handled by aether on the client side. Our only recourse is to change the reason phrase on responses. However, there was a period where aether removed showing of those status messages for a version. So if you are using tooling that is using that version of aether, you won't see error responses. See for more details.


What version of lein are you using? The message should show unless you are using lein 2.9.4 - 2.9.6.


2.9.5 :) mistery solved Will upgrade Thanks!


My pleasure!