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Errors that I wanted to have when I run npm install - "can't find the package", "Node version is invalid", "npm is outdated", etc. Errors I get:

2695 error code ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE
2696 error The "from" argument must be of type string. Received undefined
npm ERR! ENOTEMPTY: directory not empty, rename '/tmp/lens-6.5.2/node_modules/acorn' -> '/tmp/lens-6.5.2/node_modules/.acorn-vsY6dw5f'

😅 2

Your first error was expecting sanity from node

😄 7
Stephan Renatus18:07:29

I haven’t done much nodejs stuff, or seen that error before; but I’ve found that wrong (old) versions of node/npm can look cryptic…


The wrong (new) versions are also cryptic too :rolling_on_the_floor_laughing:

Stephan Renatus18:07:06

wait that’s exactly what you’re saying, isn’t it? the error should have been more useful.

Stephan Renatus18:07:40

time to go down the bun rabbit hole 😉


Yes, I meant that using a newer NPM than what was expected, or an old one, they all cause cryptic errors 😄

Stephan Renatus18:07:20

yup I often thought I did so little js stuff I shouldn’t use nvm; but really, if there’s a .node-version or so it could help to just follow suit…

Nathan Nolk19:07:56

I remember someone telling me about a Clojure library that did something similar to this: Does that ring a bell for anyone here? If so, could you send me a link to the library?


Try #CQT1NFF4L 🙂

Bobbi Towers19:07:48

let us know if you find out, that sounds neat 🙂

Bobbi Towers20:07:02

I saw an interview with Grant Sanderson who lamented that people are just using manim, because the real value was gotten from building it

Nathan Nolk07:07:04

Turns out the repo they had in mind was simply mafs, though I guess it is CLJS.

Sam Ritchie14:07:50 now wraps Mafs.cljs, MathBox.cljs and friends and exposes them from Clojure via Clerk or Portal. This is getting pretty powerful with Emmy compiling functions before they hit the cljs side!

Nathan Nolk17:07:33

Wow this is wonderful, thank you so much!

❤️ 2
Sam Ritchie17:07:23

I dropped a link in the other thread to one of the namespaces that’s fully interactive online… let me know what you’re looking to make and I’m happy to help!

Nathan Nolk17:07:57

Thank you! I'm writing an undergraduate mathematics textbook and was hoping to use the library to provide some animations to the students. 🙂

Sam Ritchie17:07:04

awesome, my work is steering more toward education for undergrad and below so please keep me in the loop

Nathan Nolk17:07:41

Ah very nice, a fellow enthusiast I see! I will make sure to keep you updated.

Nathan Nolk17:07:23

This is very impressive, I would like to show some animations for simple harmonic oscillators and the like.

Nathan Nolk17:07:21

Ah and I see there are tutorials too, perfect! Thank you so much. 🙂

Sam Ritchie17:07:18

@U05CWBL3BQX I’ve been a bit busy and haven’t tackled the full docs task, but the main namespaces you’ll want to check out outside of the setup in these examples are

Sam Ritchie17:07:21

that has all the full 2d and 3d API… then the examples that I’ll tidy soon show how to extend these and add those interactive controls and stateful updates. anyway sorry to flood you with info, hope this is helpful!

Nathan Nolk17:07:50

No worries, thank you for the information, this makes things simpler and easier for me, thank you!