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How do I only use a fragment of a response to be swapped into my hx-target with htmx?


:man-facepalming: that's it thanks

Jacob O'Bryant22:07:31

Regarding the second bullet point above: > • Put a bunch more work into so it's in a polished, easy-to-use state, and add contributor docs. Try to turn it into an active, community-driven project. I'd actually like to do this with both platypub and Platypub is already open-source, but has been half-baked ever since it was released a year ago. Yakread is more polished, larger (11k lines of code), and probably useful to more people. It has some interesting machine learning bits too. I'll probably open-source it before too long, and given the above, it might be a better "flagship" open-source Biff app than Platypub. I'd like to turn both of them into community-driven open-source projects; the question is just which should I focus on first. My initial thought has been to do Platypub first, but I'd be fine either way. So, how about a little poll: which project would you be more interested in hacking on/inspecting the source code? 1. Platypub, after it's fully baked 2. Yakread, mostly in its current state (Vote with emoji reactions)

1️⃣ 10
2️⃣ 3
Jacob O'Bryant22:07:27

(I've also got one or two other project ideas, but if those happen, it'll definitely be after yakread and platypub)

Jacob O'Bryant17:07:53

looks like I'll probably be sticking with platypub 🙂