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Hi! What is hypperfiddle.popover? It’s like a modal?

Dustin Getz14:07:57

That's an experimental thing that is part of our "Crud Spreadsheet". The popover in master that you're looking at is integrated with Datomic. The next iteration of it (not yet released) works differently and is not integrated with Datomic

Dustin Getz14:07:13

Yes its an abstraction over a modal form however it operates at a very high level, i dont think it is useful to electric users today


Thanks @U09K620SG. In the future, electric will have a base components toolbox? Like modal , switch, etc...

Dustin Getz14:07:43

Our priority is to release robust UI controls and design patterns that people can easily extend and build on top of

Dustin Getz14:07:50

Yes, as we build reusable components for our customers we will release them as we can

