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I have a question related to ReactNavigation. I want to be able to reference the root navigator globally. In a regular React I can obtain the reference while rendering a component. How to do the same in CLJS/Reagent?
These are some notes we made while working through how to bolt react navigation together. - the relevant bit is the RootStack :ref
but perhaps the context is interesting.
I do see value in having tried without a wrapper.
Or did I read that right. The screen containers get the navigator as a prop. That might be what you are asking.
(defn app-root []
[:> appnav/central-app-switch {:ref (fn [this] (dispatch [:set-root-navigator this]))}])
this basically does it - root navigator becomes a part of app-db and then you can reference it in effectful handlers
(fn [[root-navigator route params]]
(.dispatch root-navigator (navactions/navigate-to route params))))
(fn [{:keys [db]} [_ session-info]]
(println db)
{:db (-> db
(assoc-in [:dcn-session] (-> session-info
(update-in [:userInfo :gender] keyword)
(update-in [:userInfo :siteRoles] (fn [v] (map #(keyword %) v))))))
:navigate [(:root-navigator db) :Main]}