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Folks, since last week I have had issues with clojure-lsp not working correctly. Reading through the #lsp channel, I found a thread that described my issue (`clj-kondo.lint-as/def-catch-all`). The;cid=CPABC1H61 was for the user to fix the clj-kondo lint config. Reading through the clj-kondo docs, I think the macroexpand is what I need to use. My macro in app code

(ns app.test-utils
  (:require [clojure.core.async :as async] ;; the alias is used by other non macro code in this ns
            [app.effects-dispatcher :as effects-dispatcher] 

(defmacro with-fx-ch
  [[nom] & body]
  `(let [~nom (clojure.core.async/chan 100)]
     (with-redefs [app.effects-dispatcher/dispatch
                   (fn [[k# v#]] (clojure.core.async/put! ~nom {k# v#}))]
The same macro pasted into config at the path ./clj-kondo/app/test_utils.clj
(ns app.test-utils)

(defmacro with-fx-ch
  [[nom] & body]
  `(let [~nom (clojure.core.async/chan 100)]
     (with-redefs [app.effects-dispatcher/dispatch
                   (fn [[k# v#]] (clojure.core.async/put! ~nom {k# v#}))]
And the hook in config.edn
{:hooks {:macroexpand {app.test-utils/with-fx-ch app.test-utils/with-fx-ch}}}
This fixes the error with clojure-lsp. However, now clk-kondo is showing the warning "Unresolved namespace clojure.core.async. Are you missing a require?". Why is it complaining about this?


It's complaining about this because clj-kondo doesn't see a require of the namespace clojure.core.async before the expansion of this macro. You can fix this by providing another bit of config:

{:config-in-call {app.test-utils/with-fx-ch {:linters {:unresolved-namespace {:exclude [clojure.core.async]}}}}


Is it unable to see the require in the config macro or the prod macro? the prod macro ns has the require, though the macro itself is using fully qualified fns.


It would have been easier if your macro followed a syntax of an existing macro, so you can use :lint-as. Can you give an example of how this macro is called in practise? It might be similar to cljs.test/async


If you have a namespace like this:

(ns foo (:require [app.test-utils]))
(app.test-utils/with-fx-ch ...)
it will expand into:
(ns foo (:require [app.test-utils]))
(let [.. (clojure.core.async/chan 100)])


and in that namespace, clojure.core.async hasn't been required yet, so clj-kondo complains about it.


another way to suppress this from the macro expansion side is:

(vary-meta ... assoc :clj-kondo/ignore [:unresolved-namespace])


but this will suppress all such problems within the macro usage


Sample usage

(testing "some side effecty code"
  (test-utils/with-fx-ch [effects]
    (testing "scenario X"
      (email-sent? effects))))


I'd just add the config


it seems you could also use {:lint-as {your.ns/your-macro clojure.core/fn} perhaps


Seems to work fine:

(ns app.test-utils
  {:clj-kondo/config '{:lint-as {app.test-utils/with-fx-ch clojure.core/fn}}}
  (:require [clojure.test :refer [testing]]))

(defmacro with-fx-ch
  [[nom] & body]
  `(let [~nom (clojure.core.async/chan 100)]
     (with-redefs [app.effects-dispatcher/dispatch
                   (fn [[k# v#]] (clojure.core.async/put! ~nom {k# v#}))]

(testing "some side effecty code"
  (with-fx-ch [effects]
    (testing "scenario X"
      (prn effects))))


Yeah. I tested it locally and it works!


I wouldn't have seen that equivalence with fn . Thank you!

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Can I configure a macro that is like defn but has an optional arg in front of the symbol? defn-foo {:foo :bar} handler defn-foo handler both result in hander being defined. Right now I have :lint-as clojure.core/defn but I think it doesn't handle the second form


Can you give the complete form?


does it have problems with the first or the second?


problems with the first form I mean. When I have more args in front.

(defn-handler {:permissions :read-application} retrieve-foo
 [{{:keys [application-id]} :path-params :as req}
  {:foo :foo}])
retrieve-foo does not end up being counted as symbol


yeah, that's not syntax that defn has so it won't work. why not use var metadata instead of a custom macro?


or you can support the map after the name in your custom macro, then it would work since that's where normally the metadata goes


(defn foo {:hello :there} [])

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I guess we were to macro happy in the code base I am working rn


its a good lesson, if you make a defn macro, add extra args to where the body usually goes I guess. In the spot that :pre etc goes I suppose


the other option, other than writing a hook is to use {:lint-as {your.ns/your-macro clj-kondo.lint-as/def-catch-all}


Does the :macroexpand hook support the .clj_kondo extension?


it should yes


do you have a reason to believe it doesn't?


Not at the moment, just reading up on the feature itself and saw that the examples use .clj as the file extension for the expansion files


That's probably just from before


PR welcome to change it


are macroexpansion definitions distributed the same way with libs as other config/hooks?


> PR welcome to change it Will do once I confirm it works

Braden Shepherdson14:03:27

I'm having trouble with :clojure-lsp/unused-public-var with an admittedly rather complicated, multi-level def macro. there's two issues with the warnings: first, it can only track usage in Clojure code, and some of these are ^:exported and called from JS code. second, this macro generates 3 public, ^:exported defs for a list of inputs, and it's not an error to only use a subset of what it generates (even if all the uses were in Clojure and it could find them). I had thought configuring it with :linters {:clojure-lsp/unused-public-var {:exclude-when-defined-by ...}} would work, but it doesn't seem to. the relevant macros are here . see the usage examples in the docstrings, it takes a list of symbol [:path :in :map] pairs and generates a getter, setter, and some JS<->CLJS conversion helpers for each. I've tried putting the outer macro and all the inner macros in the :exclude-when-defined-by without success. there's a :macroexpand kondo rule for this as well, replacing it with three dummy defns for each row of input, if that changes anything. can I tweak the macroexpand code, or use a hook instead, and suppress this warning on the output somehow?


@UCY0GT0QM The clojure-lsp/* linters are implemented by #lsp - it might help asking questions over there

Braden Shepherdson14:03:31

oh I suppose those :exclude-when-defined-by etc. options are a clojure-lsp custom thing. I'll poke around in its implementation.


@UCY0GT0QM the docs detailing all possible settings for that linter, but I'm wondering if we should exclude vars defined with ^:export meta, WDYT?

Braden Shepherdson15:03:52

I think that makes sense. ^:export is indicating that it's used out of scope, so even aside from the macro I wouldn't want an unused-public-var warning on (defn ^:export some-fn-called-from-js [] ...)


the issue with defined-by for macros is that relies on user defining :defined-by in clj-kondo hooks like :/

Braden Shepherdson15:03:06

ah, I see. so that sounds like my resolution is to use hooks instead of :macroexpand and set that rule accordingly.


Yeah, makes sense, feel free to create a issue where we can discuss the implementation at clojure-lsp


yes, as a workaround that may work

Braden Shepherdson15:03:54

well, that's separate from the ^:export thing. actually now that I think about it, that already works. there's a separate ^:exported function here with no warning about that. if I un-`^:export` it, I get an unused warning.


at nubank we have custom vars with a specific meta as well, so maybe we should allow user define metas to exclude, but if exports is a cljs/clj thing/standard, clojure-lsp should support OOTB

Braden Shepherdson15:03:16

shadow-cljs recently added a non-standard ^{:export-as "jsFunctionName"} option too, that should probably have the same semantics as ^:export (`^:export` is CLJS standard, not just shadow-cljs)


oh, indeed we already have support for export did one year ago


yeah, probably should have more work to support export-as

Braden Shepherdson15:03:24

let me try setting :export true on the dummy defns in my :macroexpand


(defn foo []
  {:export true} ...)
might help


althought from the linked PR I don't see how metadata is picked up

Braden Shepherdson15:03:54

okay, metadata after the args doesn't work (not sure why) but ~(vary-meta sym assoc :export true) on the defns in the :macroexpand does work.

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Braden Shepherdson15:03:28

I think the only resulting action here should be documenting that the :exclude-when-defined-by only works if the :defined-by is set in the hook for that macro. I imagine plenty of libraries with defn-ish macros have that built in, but if you're building something of your own then it's weird that the option doesn't work.


agreed, TBH I didn't pay attention that :exclude-when-defined-by could be used by macros, worth mentioning that

Braden Shepherdson15:03:33

I can file an issue with clojure-lsp's docs if you like.


thanks, I mentioned in the last one how it should be fixed, LMK if you wanna work on that

Braden Shepherdson17:03:38

I haven't actually tripped over it yet, but probably will later this week or next week. I'll fix it when I do, or when I've got some idle time.

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