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i've always wondered: can i read the doc today say at ver 0.1.0, and come back 3 months later and see that the version has been bumped to 0.3.0 and the system can just show me the diff between them.


What would that look like? I assume you need something more sophisticated than git diff?


Since documentation is mostly text, so output to the like of "diff -y --left-column" is fine to me, with the different lines either inline or on the side.


You can use magit on a text selection/region

☝️ 1

Magit is amazing but if you just want a git diff in emacs, the built-in vc-version-diff may also get the job done (vc is quite decent, check it out if you haven't!). (The question doesn't seem to be related to cider, so perhaps #emacs would have been a better place for it?)