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I want to add a google closure compatible library to my project, I'm using boot-cljs and call it as (cljs :libs ["resources/js"])
. The lib is libphonenumber, so I have files like resources/js/i18n/phonenumbers/phonenumberutil.js
. I tried many variations of (ns ... (:require [i18n.phonenumbers]))
(:import [i18n.phonenumbers PhoneNumberUtil])
but always get something like No such namespace: i18n.phonenumbers.PhoneNumberUtil, could not locate i18n/phon....cljc, or Closure namespace "i18n.phonenumbers.PhoneNumberUtil"
. I must be doing something wrong, any idea?
any ideas what's the problem here?
piranha@spica ~/dev/work/mkweb> boot aot -n mk.main
clojure.lang.ExceptionInfo: java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException: java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: boot.App.getClojureName()Ljava/lang/String;
data: {:file
:line 51}
java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException: java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException: java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: boot.App.getClojureName()Ljava/lang/String;
java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException: java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: boot.App.getClojureName()Ljava/lang/String;
java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: boot.App.getClojureName()Ljava/lang/String;
boot.pod/make-pod pod.clj: 459
boot.task.built-in/fn/fn/fn built_in.clj: 547
clojure.core/binding-conveyor-fn/fn core.clj: 1914
@asolovyov: Old Boot binary
@juhoteperi: oh, thanks!
Not the first time I see that error Perhaps we should mention it somewhere...
Or even better, the binary should update itself
No too hard, it's just a bash script so it's just matter or checking if curl or wget is available and calling it
Leiningen does the same
thanks @juhoteperi, worked like a charm
@nberger: Another way is to package the library in a Jar with deps.cljs file, then Cljs compiler will find it automatically and you don't need to set compiler-options
@juhoteperi: I wonder if you know what's happening with pom there ^
@nberger: If it's useful for others, sure. But there's nothing special about Cljsjs packages, you can as well just package it in your own repo and push to clojars yourself.
Yes, sure, just that I think it might be useful for others. Ok, thanks, I'll see what I do, first thing is to tweak some details to use it in my app
@asolovyov: Haven't seen that error before
huh, helped
if somebody changes my cljs version, what's the easiest way to determine who's that?
like that:
piranha@spica ~/dev/work/mkweb> boot dev
Starting reload server on
Writing boot_reload.cljs...
Warning: version conflict detected: org.clojure/clojurescript version changes from 1.7.145 to 0.0-3165
Writing boot_cljs_repl.cljs...
Anyone used Optimus with Boot? I'm getting java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: Native Library /private/var/folders/t2/kbjbdrwd5dzf_hh9gjfnz_b00000gn/T/libv8.dylib.clj-v8 already loaded in another classloader
CC @magnars
Basically it doesn't look like the date is being appended correctly and a few other things.
any idea how I can get a more understandable error than this: clojure.lang.ExceptionInfo: java.lang.ClassCastException data: {:file "/var/folders/00/1_302jq932lc58ljwn6rwrvr0000gn/T/boot.user304745065227089216.clj", :line 39} java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException: java.lang.ClassCastException java.lang.ClassCastException: Stack trace of root exception is empty; this is likely due to a JVM optimization that can be disabled with -XX:-OmitStackTraceInFastThrow.
@thosmos: first you can see more of the stack by doing export BOOT_JVM_OPTIONS=-XX:-OmitStackTraceInFastThrow
then to see what line 39 actually is, you can do boot -b
(assuming this is coming from your build.boot)
you're not interoping with scala by any chance are you?
no, trying to port dnolen's om-next-demo to run in boot (