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What is the clever way to sort values descending order for now I am doing like this ->
(fn [ledger _]
(reverse (sort-by (comp :date val) ledger)))
a common idiom is to
(sort-by (comp :date val) #(compare %2 %1) ledger)
where you just swap the compare argssup, have a simple thread loop I was wondering what's a more idiomatic way to write something like this: Thx!
I'm trying to solve this problem:
(fn [c]
(let [suit [:diamond :heart :club :spade]
suitsym ["D" "H" "C" "S"]
rank (mapv str (range 0 13))
ranksym (mapv str (concat (range 2 10) ["T" "J" "Q" "K" "A"]))
suits (zipmap suitsym suit)
ranks (zipmap ranksym rank)
s (clojure.string/split c #"")]
(hash-map :suit (suits (first s)) :rank (read-string (ranks (second s))))))
The 4clojure site uses an old version of Clojure (1.4 maybe?), so likely there is some function you are using that doesn't exist in that version, or behaved differently somehow.
or perhaps it is the use of clojure.string/split ? I don't know for sure -- guessing what might be the difference.
My guess is that the NPE is from nil being passed to read-string. clojure.string/split is likely doing something funky.. manually binding ["D" "Q"] to s causes it to pass the first test.
Thanks I actually got it working by turning it into a direct lookup without all the string conversions
Created a map from char to string for both lookups and skipped the intermediate conversions, it worked and was much shorter.
How do you start a ring server with just clj, not using boost or lein?
@timofey.sitnikov Do you have a main that starts it? If so, its just a question of setting up an alias in your deps.edn with :main-opts to [“-m” <name_of_your_main_namespace>]
and then invoking that
clj -A:server
For example:
{:deps {ring/ring-jetty-adapter {:mvn/version "1.6.3"}
ring/ring-mock {:mvn/version "0.4.0"}
compojure {:mvn/version "1.6.1"}}
:paths ["src"]
:aliases {:test {:extra-paths ["test"]}
:runner {:extra-deps {com.cognitect/test-runner {:git/url ""
:sha "209b64504cb3bd3b99ecfec7937b358a879f55c1"}}
:main-opts ["-m" "cognitect.test-runner"]}
:server {:main-opts ["-m" "foo.main"]}}}
@srijayanth, oh awesome, so there is nothing all that special, that will certainly work. Looking at the ring readme, it looks like there is some magic that goes on underneath with lein and boost. This is why I like clj - fewer abstractions.
When in doubt, I look up @seancorfield’s kickass deps.edn
Hi, I'm wondering how to best organize data in a full stack project. I don't find a lot of resources on it but I suppose it is documented somewhere? I'm starting to learn re-frame and doing a project with sample data, but eventually I want to use crux or datomic on the backend. It seems like those databases organize data as [{:person/id "1" :person/name "xx" }, {..}] (flat?), while in frontend it seems like more nested structures are used {:person [{:id 1 :name "xx"}, ..]} (or even subdivision for id as recommended here What is a commonly used strategy? is it useful to keep the same structure on backend as frontend? (databases can use queries, but not possible with re-frame)?
It’s mostly performance related, and depends a lot on the kind of data and what you are planning to do with it. Of course it is best to have your db data match how you store data in your app (the less work to convert, the better), but again, you often need data in your app structured a particular way for performance reasons, and converting to/from db storage happens less frequently than data access and manipulation within your app. Just as one example, consider your flat/nested difference. If I am working in my app and I want to access a collection of people by ID or name, I could filter over the collection by name, but that is an O(n) operation. If it is just a few names and doesn’t happen frequently, who cares, but I may also want to structure it like this {id person id person}, in which case accessing an individual person by ID becomes an O(1) operation. Again it depends on the size of your collection and how frequently the operation is done, whether or not something like this matters. Then you have the tradeoff of being able to outsource processing to clients, thereby reducing load on your server, vs fluidity of your app for the user. There are no simple answers, just a lot of tradeoffs to consider. I should also mention that choosing the right data representation can either simplify or complicate your code, so that's another thing to look out for. You'll build up an intuition about it over time. Particularly with re-frame, you'll notice if your db accessors are very long or complicated and hard to read, that's probably because your data could be structured better.
Thanks for your reply. Performance won't be an issue, so I'll try the 'flat' structure and see how it works out 🙂
Even if you're not using fulcro, the db model used there is where you'll likely end up after much iterating and headaches:
I have a .cljc data-model file that uses clojure specs to define my data contract and then I use that on the client and server. combined with guardrails which lets you define fn specs inline you can iterate very quickly on a data model and then add some light type checking along the way
there's been some recent exploration using fulcro just for the normalized db and re-frame for ui layer:
So if I understand correctly, you can store data in graph style (similar to crux and datomic), but than you can also use and manipulate the data, as in a nested structure?
data is stored normalized on the client - so all updates are 3-levels deep: (assoc-in state-db [:users/id :my-user :name] "new username")
at render time the fulcro db->tree takes a query and a state db and returns a tree of data that you can pass to your components.
so you don't have to update nested structures, but you get to render with nested structures, the best of both worlds
I notice they use 'pathom' but doing this without fulcro does not seem so easy to implement. I like the concept though, I'll keep it in mind for later. Thx for sharing this
Hi there,
I can run (. Byte MAX_VALUE)
; => 127
But I cannot do
(map #(. % MAX_VALUE) [Byte Integer Long])
it gives me:
Error printing return value (IllegalArgumentException) at clojure.lang.Reflector/getInstanceField (
No matching field found: MAX_VALUE for class java.lang.Class
Why, any ideas ?
is a 'special form' in Clojure, which has some similarities to Clojure macros, in that some arguments are not evaluated, or evaluated differently than arguments to a function call.
If you look on the reference docs page for Java interop here:
I believe (. Byte MAX_VALUE)
falls into the category of (. Classname-symbol member-symbol)
If it is very important for you to be able to do something like that code and have it work as you wish, you can use the Java reflection API explicitly
So I'm still on this InputStream reading thing, just because I don't understand how things work fully yet. I have a function that tries to read an input stream into an array of byte-arrays. The byte-arrays are a given size. I'm inflexible on this just because I want to learn how to learn about how to troubleshoot what I've done so far. Code example coming.
(defn read-mem-3
"Returns an array of byte arrays of size available / frame-size"
[stream frame-size]
(let [available (.available stream)
frames (/ available frame-size)
ma (make-array Byte/TYPE frames 6)]
(dotimes [i frames]
(.read ^InputStream stream ^bytes (aget ^"[[B" ma i)))
(let [as (FileInputStream. "big-file-here") ]
(read-mem-3 ^InputStream as 6))))
;; => "\"Elapsed time: 1432.400101 msecs\"\n"
just using a BufferedInputStream gives me a >10x speed boost on my laptop:
(let [as (BufferedInputStream. (FileInputStream. "testfile_10MB")) ]
(read-mem-3 ^BufferedInputStream as 6)))
The buffers inputstream speedup is showing that "frame-size" of 6 is the example is absurdly small
A buffered inputstream will read in larger chunks at once, and then trickle them out to you, so you can achieve the same effect using a larger buffer directly
You can use something more flexible that you don't need to allocate all at once to hold your byte arrays
Regardless, even if I remove available and use a long directly, it doesn't speed anything up. I tried that before.
So use a buffered inputstream that manages a larger buffer for you, or use a buffer in the mb range (I like to start with 5mb see from there)
So I should use BufferedInputStream or read it all at once, and then what would be the fast way to split it into an array of byte-arrays of length 6?
ok, I'll explore that. Probably back with more. Thank you for your patience and help
arrays are fairly inflexible, so you can't really turn a byte array of size 10 into 5 byte arrays of size 2 without making new arrays and copying
Which is why things like nio's Bytebuffer and netty's Bytebuf which are similar to what other langues sometimes call slices
That's what I figure. This seems to be what I get for learning clojure without having written a line of java in my life
coarsely, just (make-array Byte/TYPE frames 6)
accounts for about 2/3 of the execution time on my laptop
so as hiredman noted, making a ton of 6 byte buffers is definitely not the most efficient approach
not sure if there’s a quicker way to allocate a 2d byte array from clojure
So if I wanted to rewrite this callee (which wants a 2d byte-array) myself, what would be the "fast" way to process a large byte-array in chunks myself?
you can just use a single byte array and use offsets
generally, the java.nio package has lots of goodies for working with bytes,
I experimented with ByteBuffer, but consuming a large byte-array with it efficiently kinda did my head in.
using a single Byte Array with offsets should work well enough
any more specific advice would probably require more info about your use case
(defn read-mem-3
"Returns an array of byte arrays of size available / frame-size"
[stream frame-size]
(let [available (.available stream)
frames (int (/ available frame-size))
ma (time (make-array Byte/TYPE frames 6))]
(time (dotimes [i frames]
(.read ^InputStream stream ^bytes (aget ^"[[B" ma i))))
I actually have a project open with com.clojure-goes-fast/clj-async-profiler
setup, but since the results were in >10ms range, it seemed like time
would be good enough
ok cool. I'm still learning these things. I'll investigate clj-async-profiler as well.
fyi, if you’re looking for tuning resources, is pretty good. I’ve also used these projects in the past: • jvisualvm, • •