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@borkdude Is graal8 still generally supported? I've not updated for awhile but the latest release for both babashka and clj-kondo doesn't build with graal8 and based on my quick reading of the build scripts you don't seem to test graal8 builds


@b babashka and clj-kondo only support compiling with one GraalVM native-image version, currently both are on 20.2.0 JDK11


clj-kondo should probably work with native-image jdk8 as well, since it doesn't do anything JDK11 specific and the dependency should work on jdk8, just not with the build script in the repo - that one is specifically made for the distributed binary


I will be upgrading to graalvm11. If it's not something you're looking into supporting then bisecting the actual places where both stopped working on graalvm8 20.2 is not necessary for me 🙂


it's been a few months and I'm still very excited for babashka and now with nrepl support (may be a few months old already) I'm really enjoying playing with it


babashka has quite some classes now that only work on JDK11. theoretically it could support JDK8, but since the primary way of using babashka is via the binary, I don't think a lot of people would benefit from it


yeah this is mostly me realizing this because I try to maintain the babashka and clj-kondo packags on NixOS and graalvm8 was what I started with


Is there a way to keep the bb repl open when piping from stdin? for example, I would like to pipe some edn into the repl that I open and bind it to something like *input* to explore it. currently, it will just insert stdin as the first expression to eval at the repl

❯ echo '{:a 1}' | bb
Babashka v0.2.3 REPL.
Use :repl/quit or :repl/exit to quit the REPL.
Clojure rocks, Bash reaches.

user=> {:a 1}
user=> %                                                                                                                                                                                                 


I don't think that works, since you can't switch from pipe stdin to REPL stdin mid process


you could pipe the EDN to a file and then read the file as edn


ah, my lack of understanding is showing. that makes sense. thanks again


yeah, there are a few ways around it, could also just run my command through babashka.process or something similar and play with the result there


btw, it is possible to start a REPL in a script, using (clojure.main/repl), but that won't help you here

😲 3

yeah, I was just looking for a lightweight way to explore the output from cli's that output json/edn. I'll find some way like the one you mentioned to make it work


actually, starting the repl inside of the script might be exactly the way to do it