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I'm pleased to announce the release of 0.1.6 Oxbow is an SSE client based on js/fetch, allowing you to use the full feature set of fetch and not be constrained by the old js/EventSource (which cannot e.g. send headers). This release fixes a bug with buffering messages split across multiple events, and a related bug with UTF-8 support (huge thanks to @dj942 )

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Isaac Ballone20:10:12

Hey! I created a library for interfacing with CouchDB called Slouch. Slouch documents implement IAtom so you can use swap!, deref, etc. just like a regular atom. The implementation felt really natural because CouchDB and Clojure atoms both take an optimistic concurrency approach. I'm always looking for constructive criticism. Excited to share this 🙂. I plan on improving this more in the coming month, mostly on the testing side, and creating a demo site to put it through its paces

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