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I'm wondering if reagent can be used with re-frame. I'm working through an from reagent and my code is as follows:
(defn main-panel []
(let [items (re-frame/subscribe [::subs/items])
selected-item (re-frame/subscribe [::subs/selected-item])
panel-dnd-id "todo-list-dnd"]
;; Uncommenting below forces the map-indexed list to stay updated
;; [:div "Items: " (str @items)]
[:p "Selected item: " @selected-item]
{:onDragStart (fn [result]
(re-frame/dispatch [:lift (get-in result [:source :index])]))
:onDragUpdate (fn [result] (println result))
:onDragEnd (fn [result] (println result))}
{:droppable-id panel-dnd-id :type "thing"}
(fn [provided snapshot]
[:div (merge {:ref (.-innerRef provided)
:class (when (.-isDraggingOver snapshot) :drag-over)}
(js->clj (.-droppableProps provided)))
[:h2 "My List - render some draggables inside"
(fn [index item]
^{:key (:id item)}
[draggable {:draggable-id (str (:id item)), :index index}
(fn [provided snapshot]
[:div (merge {:ref (.-innerRef provided)}
(js->clj (.-draggableProps provided))
(js->clj (.-dragHandleProps provided)))
[:p (:val item)]]))]])
(.-placeholder provided)]))]]]]))
My hunch is that I am misusing the re-frame subscription @items
by keeping it in an anonymous function to be passed to the droppable
component. Can anyone point me in the right direction?Your comment in the code basically tells what's wrong.
You need to deref items
in the main-panel
component itself. E.g. (let [items @items] ...)
and use the actual value in the doall
I assume this is the best way? It seems like a kind of abuse of re-frame, am I wrong? Edit: Also thank you
Not an abuse at all, that's one of the valid ways to do it.
Might be better if you turn the body of the function in map-indexed
into its own component and subscribe and deref the value there (don't be afraid of subscribing multiple times to the same thing - the stuff's cached so it's rarely a problem).
Thank you
Given a namespace containing various calls to reg-event-fx
, reg-event-db
, etc., loading that namespace should be sufficient to register those effect handlers, right? That has always been my understanding. But I'm splitting some modules and I must be missing something because my effect handlers are not being registered. The outputted JS shows that the namespace with my effect handlers is being imported.
> loading that namespace should be sufficient to register those effect handlers, right? That's correct. > The outputted JS shows that the namespace with my effect handlers is being imported. Either you're interpreting that JS wrong or you aren't loading that particular JS file. I can't think of any other non-convoluted reason for why else would the events not be registered.
I see this:
import "./cljs-runtime/";
which is the namespace in question. Is that not enough?If you add (js/console.log "loaded")
at the top level of that namespace, does it get printed in the JS console when you think the events are supposed to be registered?
that does print "loaded" but only after re-frame complains about the missing effect handler. I think it's to do with the way I'm starting up my application though. I'm dynamically importing a module but I suppose since that's gonna be returning a Promise that it's not blocking until the import is resolved?
yeah, I think that's probably it then :face_in_clouds: