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We’ve just released io.github.nextjournal/clerk {:mvn/version "0.5.346"} on Clojars. It’s a BIG update. Highlights are various improvements to the viewer api: • 🏞️ for `java.awt.image.BufferedImage` with automatic layouting. • 🪆 inside e.g. `html` or `table` viewers. • 🤕 Clerk’s viewer api has been based on functions that modify the result. This can be undesired if you want to depend on the unmodified value downstream. You can now alternatively use metadata using the `:nextjournal.clerk/viewer` to convey the viewer. Valid values are viewer functions or keywords. The latter is useful when you don’t want a runtime dependency on Clerk. • 🎰 to semantically limit how much data is sent to the browser. There’s a lot more in the Follow-up in #nextjournal

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